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The Cuba goes with me Festival shows musical art on the third day

Havana, November 4th (Prensa Latina) The second cultural festival with Cubans living abroad “Cuba goes with me” enters its third day today and offers a concert by the Cuban singer-songwriter Daniel Martin in the National Theater in Havana.

In addition to this presentation, there will be a presentation this Sunday at the Bertolt Brecht Cultural Center. In both concerts, which celebrate his three decades of artistic life, he will be accompanied by the pop-rock band Partes Privadas and artists from other nations who take part in this cultural event.

Regarding the importance he attaches to this event, he emphasized in an interview with Prensa Latina: Participating in such a complex moment, in which there is so much controversy in the media, means joining the support group for everything we do as a country and as a social project, are, without a doubt, focused on writing the best pages of their history.

The day before, the meeting was officially opened at the National Theater with a performance by the folkloric ensemble, the defenders of the country’s culture and traditions.

The Caribbean island’s Deputy Minister of Culture, Fernando Rojas, led the welcoming remarks, expressing that the Folklorico, founded by Fidel and Che, integrates the triad of dance expressions that the cultural policies of the Revolution have promoted from the beginning.

As I said, the festival is an example of the connections between Cuban institutions and our country’s artists and writers, who live all over the world and recognize the values ​​and unity of our culture to which their works belong, Rojas meant.

The “Cuba goes with me” event, convened by the Caribbean island’s Ministry of Culture and Foreign Affairs, began this Thursday and runs until November 12th. Various Cuban artists from 14 countries take part in it, offering music, dance and theater performances. They also present exhibitions, books and films.
