1699158412 Catherine Chabot I was a TV binge

Catherine Chabot: “I was a TV binge”

Catherine Chabot knows how to hurry up so as not to miss any TV appointments. As a child, she enjoyed watching television. Those many hours in front of the screen still accompany him today…

Catherine, did you watch too much TV when you were young?

Too much or not enough? That’s a good question… There was plenty of television. I spent every weekend morning at the Bouledogue Bazaar in front of the television. When I got back from school it was 0340 on Radio-Canada. After that it was called Watatatow and in the evening I had my “programs”. I also listened to shows with my mother: Caleb’s Daughters, Virginie, Diva… During the weekday mornings I listened to Les Zygotos. I had my TV schedule.

Film The Family Guide

Bazar Bulldog photo from IMDB site

Is there another song from a show that sticks in your mind?

The ones from Watatatow, The Zygotos, Bear Island, The Ovide Gang, Ouimzie’s House. At 35, these songs come to mind depending on the situation. It’s crazy how important this was in my journey. I was a TV binge. And all the songs from Passe-Partout, a show I’m revisiting with my daughter.

Film The Family Guide

Caleb’s Daughters Photo from IMDB site

What do you think of today’s children’s television?

It’s important that we make television. We must continue to create Quebec content so that children can grow up with iconic characters like us. Programs that, like Télé-Pirate, have captured the collective imagination. I was a big fan of Télé-Pirate, Radio Enfer and In a galaxy near us.

There was a lot of humor in these shows that impressed you…

What really excited me in the children’s shows I listened to was when madness was allowed, where there was freedom among the actors, humor, inventiveness, where stupidity was allowed… In certain situations I still hear Marie- Sophie and Steve Say in Le Studio: “It’s going badly!” Okay okay… “. I have that in my head a lot. When I say “Hello!” », I think of Stéphane Crête, the Les Coucous with Bruno Blanchet did. It had such an impact on me!

Film The Family Guide

In a galaxy near you. Photo from IMDB site

Is there a youth television universe you would like to introduce today?

Thanks to McDonald’s box sets, I discovered all the shows my parents listened to. There was “La Boîte à Surprises”, “La Ribouldingue”, “La Souris Verte”, “Sol” and “Gobelet”… I had access to all the television channels that shaped my parents’ generation. I am therefore in favor of returning the cassette, the USB stick or something else to introduce our children to the Canal famille, our television.

And what does your daughter hear?

My daughter is standing in front of Milo, the little black cat. We just tried that. I’m in a dilemma: what are the best shows for them right now? I think that children’s programs move quickly, there are 1000 images per second. They’re full of little electric shocks to the brain. Even I get freaked out sometimes, the colors are extremely vibrant, shocking, the characters move super fast… I try to find slowness for them. She looked at Barbada, Barbapapa and Simon Lapin.

Catherine Chabot defends the title role of the new comedy The candidate to be discovered on Tou.tv Extra. She is currently filming another comedy, The arenawhich will end up in Noovo’s winter TV schedule.