Why did Denisse Guerrero de Belanova have to disappear from

Why did Denisse Guerrero de Belanova have to “disappear” from the media and social networks? Half time

Denise GuerreroSinger and leader of the Mexican pop band, BelanovaIn 2018, he decided on a “temporary withdrawal” from music and the stage, which continues to this day and led to the extreme of saying goodbye to the stage Mexico City and do not post anything on social networks or appear in any media.

In an interview for the magazine shinethe famous interpreter reappeared and explained that she was suffering from one before this unexpected decision existential crisis There she realized that her lifestyle as an artist was not fulfilling her the way she wanted it to. This was the reason for her “exile”, which was supported by her colleagues.

During this five-year period, the 43-year-old singer decided to rebuild herself, focusing on improving herself as a person, discovering other tastes and passions and arming herself against any kind of it criticism.

To reach your goal, Denise revealed that he had to think for a long time and go psychological therapywhere she learned more about herself, she improved Mental health and became more emotionally intelligent.

He also used this time to improve his artistic and musical skills by taking lessons To sing and piano, although not everything was so easy during these years as he also had to overcome unexpected obstacles.

Denisse Guerrero’s life was in danger

During this temporary retreat, the Los Mochis, Sinaloa native went to the doctor and was diagnosed with: tumor of two kilograms in weight, which endangers their health, with half the probability carcinogenicso it was successfully removed.

This medical problem has not been the only problem since then warrior During these years she also had to come to terms with the death of her father, who always supported her decision to leave school. Music and the public scene.

After all these questions, the singer of Belanova announced that the musical group is back and will perform at various festivals such as Bésame Mucho and in March next year Northwhich will mark his return to the stage.