1699200634 Yonathan Netanyahu and the boys fighting for Israel Nicola Porro

Yonathan Netanyahu and the boys fighting for Israel Nicola Porro

Letters from Yonathan Netanyahu

There is a beautiful book worth picking up again in these hours. I’m talking about the letters from Jonathan NetanyahuBrother of the current Israeli Prime Minister Bibi, who died in the attack by Israeli special forces to free the passengers in Entebbe.

Michele Silenzi, who acquired the rights in 2016 and wrote the introduction for Liberilibri, speaks of an involuntary bildungsroman. The brilliant lieutenant colonel will die at the age of thirty: he had a brilliant career ahead of him, a scholarship to Harvard, and yet he decides to return home to defend his country. As one of the many returning to Tel Aviv today to fight in Gaza. In his letters he tells us what goes through the mind of a young, justice-loving individualist. A young intellectual who has brought Ayn Rande’s books with him and refuses to become an airplane pilot in favor of the much more demanding career of a parachutist. “In the army I learned – it seems paradoxical, but that’s exactly how he writes – to appreciate the beauty of life, the immense joy of sleep, the taste of water, which is unique, the unsurpassed value of willpower and everything else that Miracles that a man can accomplish if he only wants to.” He is free but determined.

To purchase the book Letters, click here

On May 23, 1973, he wrote to Rina: “You are almost 16 years old. Do you realize that you have lived almost a quarter of your life? An insect that lives only a few days is likely to find its lifespan enormous. Maybe that’s why we think we have an eternity ahead of us. But humans don’t live forever and he should make the best use of the days of his life. He should try to live life to the fullest. I can’t tell you how to do it; If I had a clear answer, I would have half the solution to this puzzle called life. All I know is that I don’t want to reach a certain age, look around and suddenly discover that I haven’t created anything, that I’m like all other people, running back and forth here and there. like so many insects, without ever achieving anything They endlessly repeat the routine of their existence, only to finally sink into their grave.”

There is much more in these letters.

There are a lot of them it pushes many young Israelis to fight today for one’s own country and there is the idea, as Silenzi writes, “that evil cannot be fought by trying to re-educate it, it cannot be fought with a good example, it cannot be fought by being a Feeling and spreading senseless guilt.” , it cannot be overcome by showing himself well. Evil can only be combated with a conscious, albeit dramatic, act of violence.”

Nicola Porro, ilGiornale, November 5, 2023

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