An Incantation A solid trio

An Incantation: A solid trio

Although imaginative and based on historical figures, the piece is A conspiracy remains an intellectual work that lacks strong moments in the Espace Libre.

This proposal, written by Alexis Martin, criticizes utilitarianism without, however, stimulating reflection strong enough to compensate for the lack of a compelling story.

This exhibition shows the meeting between the French writer and philosopher George Bataille and his compatriot, the painter André Masson, during the founding of the magazine Acephale in 1936. The two men denounce materialism and the fact that man is reduced to his usefulness becomes.

The two protagonists attack, among other things, the world of work, capitalism and the rise of fascism. These positions are expressed both through philosophical flights of fancy and through explanations of their approaches to the design of this brochure. They also take place through allegory, particularly by drawing on Greek mythology with the legend of Ariadne and the Minotaur.

Successful staging

The form of this show is undoubtedly one of its most interesting aspects. First, the audience sits on simple wooden chairs, forming a huge circle that covers the large, almost empty theater hall. In the middle there is a table that represents the workshop of the painter Masson, interpreted by Maxim Gaudette. So the audience is at eye level with the actors, very close to them.

In addition, well-controlled video projections are used, allowing you to see Masson’s works and feel the creative process come to life. Tapes and other stage techniques enrich this brilliant production by Daniel Brière.

The two men are surrounded by a friend, played by Catherine De Léan. The trio is solid, but the lyrics don’t really lead them to dig deep within themselves to evoke strong emotions.

Although this play introduces us to these two intellectuals in an instructive and ingenious way, it will leave those looking for a stimulating plot wanting more. At the level of ideas, the speech is too scattered to convince that the pursuit of beauty, grace, and freedom is as valid as the achievement of usefulness.

♦ A conspiracy will be presented at Espace Libre until November 10th.

An incantation ★★★☆☆

  • Director: Daniel Brière
  • With Catherine De Léan, Maxim Gaudette and Alexis Martin