1699288126 Middle East and mediation games Cerasa indicates quotPutins great gamequot

Middle East and mediation games. Cerasa indicates "Putin’s great game"

Middle East and mediation games Cerasa indicates quotPutins great gamequot

The collapse of relations between the Russian Federation and the United States occurred at the initiative of the Americans. In order for a meeting between the two presidents to take place one day, the American leader must change his position in a more constructive way. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this in a television interview quoted by Ria Novosti. “This collapse of the entire basis of Russian-American relations happened at the initiative of the Americans, so at least the head of the United States will sooner or later have to change his position and take a more constructive position regarding bilateral relations.” And while the conflict in Ukraine continues, the world is holding its breath to see what is happening in Gaza at the same time. The conflict between Israel and Hamas is changing the world balance. And it was precisely the possibility of distorting the power games that was at the center of the debate on La7’s talk show “Omnibus”. Claudio Cerasa, the director of Il Foglio, spoke on the subject.

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“What can happen? It could happen that, on the one hand, Putin can try to take advantage of the West’s fatigue to reach a solution other than the endless conflict; on the other hand, and here is the real point, to use the conflict to become an incredible mediator in the Middle East,” the journalist stated and then went further: “That’s Putin’s big dream, that’s Putin’s big game. Putin once had an excellent one relationship with Israel, then the war upset every balance.” Cerasa admitted that he would not be surprised if Russia used the conflict in the Middle East to take on the role of a “peace broker.” And there is more . According to the director of Il Foglio, “if this dream comes true, it could be a game changer,” he added.