1699386387 Pacts and negotiations for Sanchezs investiture live Thousands of

Pacts and negotiations for Sánchez’s investiture, live | Thousands of people demonstrate in front of the PSOE headquarters in Madrid and some of the protests are concentrated near the Congress

Pacts and negotiations for Sanchezs investiture live Thousands of

Extension | Abascal will demand that the autonomies in which he governs with the PP break off institutional relations with the Sánchez executive

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, regained his institutional clothes this Tuesday and appeared flanked by the four vice-presidents of his party in two autonomous governments (Castilla y León, Valencian Community, Aragon and Murcia).

The leader of the Ultra party has tried to distance himself from the episodes of violence that occurred around the PSOE headquarters on Monday. After reaffirming his support for “all mobilizations of peaceful resistance against Sánchez’s coup,” he added: “If it is not peaceful, it is not ours.” Although he has assured that he will take part in all demonstrations, His schedule allows, he has not clarified whether this would allow him to take part in the demonstration called for this afternoon.

Abascal has announced the filing of a complaint against the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, and the government delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martín, for giving “the order to load without prior notice”. He also requested his dismissal, based on statements from Jupol and the Federal Police Union (UPF).

Abascal avoided confrontations with police commanders, attributed operational decisions to political orders, and urged police officers to “disobey unlawful orders,” which any officer can do as long as the illegality of the order received is obvious.

However, to avoid confrontations with the police, Vox has announced that all the autonomous governments of which it is a member will call for “institutional demonstrations” against the PSOE pact with the independents and that if the new government is formed, “they will end “institutional cooperation”; However, only if it does not cause any harm to citizens, i.e. in the case of acts of a protocol nature.