Here is the first superatomic semiconductor a revolution for electronics

Here is the first superatomic semiconductor: a revolution for electronics? –

Is there an element stronger than silicon? In fact, this hypothesis is confirmed with the discovery of a superatomic semiconductor. This study could be the greatest innovation in the world of electronics.

Silicon is one of the cornerstones of electronic chips. Known as an efficient conductor, this mineral is present in your technical devices. His performance has already earned him an important place in the industry. However, Researchers at Columbia University discovered superatomic semiconductors. According to these specialists, this new material could improve the efficiency of electronic chips.

A necessary innovation for the planet

Electronic chips are the basis of our computers, smartphones and other connected objects. Their performance is based primarily on silicon, one of the most sought-after minerals on the market. Telecommuting and technological advances have influenced this trend.

The new superatomic semiconductor could then Improve the performance of these chips. Actually, he accelerates the solution of complex tasks, processor calculations and even communication. In other words, This element will be the ally of technological innovations in a few years. This is also the aim of the researchers in their study published on October 26th. But we must first overcome the production problems.

An atomic composition for absolute power

The researchers decided to name their discovery: Re6Se8Cl2. This name seems original. In fact, it is the combination of atoms that forms the element in question. Re6Se8Cl2, the famous superatomic semiconductor, then consists of Rhenium, selenium and chlorine. This club is named “Superatom”.

Its performance is based primarily on its ability to bind other particles. In fact, the photons will not disperse throughout the entire process. Therefore, there will hardly be any energy losses with this innovation. The element is known for its extraordinary speed. According to researchers, it could significantly outperform the most competitive computers currently available.

“In the case of a processor, you could achieve that Frequencies of hundreds of gigahertz, even in the order of terahertz» Milan Delon, Director of Studies, Columbia University.

Performance is still respectable on other devices. On average, electronic chips reinforced with Re6Se8Cl2 are six times faster than current versions.

But performance has its price

In the short term, the superatomic semiconductor will not be available to the general public. As a matter of fact, Rhenium is very rareand very difficult to produce. Logically, the costs are very high. Commercialization of these chips will not be possible for a few years.

However, researchers can also use their discovery in other ways. The extraordinary speed of this material could improve analytical methods in various scientific fields. Aerospace will be able to improve its machines. The world of physics, for its part, will have the opportunity to do so Design super-powerful quantum computers.

In addition, some scientists will try to solve this marketing problem. They will try Find a cheaper element to replace rhenium. And this experiment could produce favorable results. In fact, there are several elements whose properties are similar to rhenium.