Cole Caufield is taking big action

Cole Caufield is taking big action

Cole Caufield hasn’t scored in his last four games, but don’t think the Montreal Canadiens forward is just waiting for the tide to turn in his favor.

Last year Caufield scored 16.5 goals per 100 shots, while this year he scored 8.5 goals. So the problem lies in efficiency and every possible attempt is being made to remedy the situation.

“Yesterday [lundi]It was the team photo, it ended at 10:30 a.m., but at 12:20 p.m., two hours later, Caufield was still putting pucks in the net, Renaud Lavoie told JiC on Tuesday.

“He was with Juraj Slafkovsky before he was alone, he spends a lot of time on the ice. I remember him once telling me he could put hundreds and hundreds of pucks into the net [quand ça ne va pas].”

Check out footage of it in the video above.

During his speech, Renaud Lavoie also talked about the Edmonton Oilers, where some heads could soon roll.