Vatican Baptism is acceptable for trans people homosexuality is a

Vatican: Baptism is acceptable for trans people, homosexuality is a sin

According to Vatican As a general rule, you must be baptized in the Catholic Church, as long as it does not cause scandal or “confusion”.

O Dicastery for the Doctrine of the FaithThe , responsible for proclaiming and defending the Catholic faith, also has no objection to the baptism of children of same-sex couples who are adopted or born through surrogacy, he said on Wednesday.

The Dicastery responded to a request from a Brazilian bishop. The statement was written on October 31, but has only now been made public. She was from Pope Francis approved, which repeatedly advocates that the church be open to LGBTQ believers spoke out. The English abbreviation LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer.

“…sin, like any sexual act outside of marriage”

At the same time, Francis made it clear that for him homosexuality was a sin, “like any sexual act outside of marriage.” Catholic doctrine defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman that must be open to the transmission of life.

When asked whether a same-sex couple could be considered parents of a child admitted for baptism, the dicastery responded that there should only be a “reasonable hope” that the child would be raised in the Catholic religion.