Rare tiger found in Malaysia

Rare tiger found in Malaysia

A WWF team has obtained images of one of the last 150 Malayan tigers.

It is estimated that only 150 tigers live in Malaysia. But now a WWF team has managed to capture rare images of a specimen, which, according to the nature conservation organization, gives hope. “Tigers are critically endangered by poaching and habitat loss. They need very large territories and enough prey. Seeing them in the wild is therefore an extremely rare and unique experience that greatly encourages us in our work”, emphasized Georg Scattolin from WWF Austria.

Images are important not only for tigers, but for the entire ecosystem. Because: Where the tiger lives, its habitat is also intact, he said in a broadcast on Thursday. This was also demonstrated by the photos of other species that the wildlife camera captured: black panthers, tapirs, elephants, leopards and many others that still live in the place where the photos were taken, the Royal Belum State Park nature reserve in Malaysia . “The images clearly give hope because they clearly show what conservation work can achieve and how important it is to preserve this diversity,” reported Scattolin.

Tiger numbers are slowly recovering from 2010 lows

After the number of wild tigers worldwide reached a low of 3,200 in 2010, it has now stabilized at 5,574 (as of July 2023), according to estimates from the Global Tiger Forum (GTF). “Tiger numbers have increased slightly in Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Russia,” Scattolin reported. “But most of Southeast Asia continues to show a dramatic downward trend – particularly with the confirmed extinctions of tigers in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.”

The reason for the threat is not just poachers hunting the rare big cats with guns. Wire traps, in particular, are becoming increasingly fatal to big cats. To control the widespread snaring problem, it is crucial to work together and in trust with local people. “If we create an understanding of the great added value of a species-rich and functional ecosystem, a harmonious life between humans and nature is possible – then the tiger also has an opportunity for long-term protection,” explained Scattolin. (APA)