The Defense of Inhumane Rights The Antagonist

The Defense of Inhumane Rights The Antagonist

The hearing on the “Humanitarian Crisis in the Gaza Strip” held yesterday, the 8th, by the Commission on Human Rights, Minorities and Racial Equality of the Chamber of Deputies still resonates. The deputy chairs the committee Luizianne Lins (PTCE). An excerpt from the meeting, shared on video on social media, summarizes the mood of the participants. “And long live the struggle of the Palestinian people, the state of Israel, the murderous state,” they shout, holding placards with slogans such as “No to the occupation of Gaza,” “Down with the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians,” and “Stop.” Fire Now” and “Free Palestine.”

O PT in the chamber titled the hearing note posted on its website: “Middle East: Public Act Condemns Genocide Against the Palestinian People.” The PT describes the incident as follows: “PT parliamentarians and representatives of other left parties (Psol and PCdoB), ambassadors of Arab countries and representatives of Brazilian organizations supporting the Palestinian cause took part in a public event this Wednesday afternoon (8) in action You in the Chamber of Deputies against the ongoing genocide carried out by the armed forces of the State of Israel against the Palestinian people.”

The hearing was attended by ambassadors from Palestine, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Qatar, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, the Arab League, Cuba and Venezuela, in addition to parliamentarians from PT, PSOL and PCdoB and their respective party activists.

Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005. The local population would be better off if Hamas terrorists had not invaded Israeli territory to exterminate 1,400 people and take another 240 hostage to Gaza, and if they had not used Palestinian civilians as human shields while they continue to try to kill Jews with rocket fire, 800 of which have already crashed in the Gaza Strip itself, as in the case of AlAhli Hospital.

But the cynicism of the Lulist left in politics, in academia and in the press produces this perverse youth activism that is consistent with the discourse of Holocaust supporters.