Javier Milei calls Lula a “communist and reiterates that if elected he will not meet with PT member

Javier Milei, presidential candidate of Argentina, during an interview with journalist Jaime Bayly

In an interview with Peruvian journalist Jaime Bayly on Wednesday 8, the Argentine presidential candidate said: Javier Mileistated again that the President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva He is a “communist” and therefore, if elected, will not meet with the head of the Brazilian executive. The libertarian has already indicated on other occasions that he does not want to maintain good relations with the Brazilian government under Lula’s government, even though Brazil and Argentina are important trading partners. “Lula belongs to a group of Brazilians committed to carrying out a negative campaign against me (…). [aliadas] In Bolsonaro They warned me that Lula wanted to finance a negative campaign about me,” he said.

When asked if he would maintain diplomatic relations with the head of Brazil’s executive branch, Milei simply replied, “No.” When it comes to Lula, the opponent of Sergio Massa He said that the PT member was “highly corrupt” and that “he went to prison.” As this shows Jovem Pan websiteAlready in October of this year, the Argentine presidential candidate accused President Lula of opposing his candidacy and favoring his opponent, Economy Minister Sergio Massa. The first round of Argentina’s presidential election took place on October 22 and was led by Peronist candidate Sergio Massa. The second round is scheduled for November 19th.