The establishment of the Ecuadorian legislature is progressing

The establishment of the Ecuadorian legislature is progressing

Initially, the ceremony was scheduled for the 20th of this month, but the institution decided to anticipate the event without specifying the reason in the statement released on Thursday evening.

Before this date, the 137 elected deputies must present the documents that enable their possession, including a certificate from the Ministry of Labor stating that they have no impediment to holding public office.

Two days ago, the General Administrator of the Assembly, Miguel Pesantez, reported that the security measures of the National Police and the legislative escort will be doubled for those who will assume parliamentary functions.

Regarding the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Daniel Noboa, an event for which the Assembly is responsible, the official reiterated that they are working with the provisional date of December 1, although that is also likely to be brought forward.

As they prepare for the formalities, the parliamentarians elected in the last elections are negotiating possible agreements and alliances to determine who will be the new authorities of this body of the Ecuadorian state and what issues they will prioritize.

Ecuador has been without a legislature since May 17 last year, as President Guillermo Lasso used the constitutional mechanism of death on the cross to anticipate his resignation from office and dissolve the assembly when an impeachment trial against him was about to be voted on.
