Does Rominho die in Todas as Flores Boy is pawned

Does Rominho die in Todas as Flores? Boy is pawned and becomes a target for organ trafficking TV news

Rominho (Luiz Fortes) will pay dearly for betraying the organization and helping Jéssica (Duda Batsow) and Diego (Nicolas Prattes) in Todas as Flores. The boy is ratted out by Ciça (Samantha Jones), ends up being doped and runs the risk of having his organs removed by the drug trafficking network. He just won’t die because he will be saved in time in the soap opera.

In the chapter, which will be shown this Thursday (9) on Globo’s ten o’clock channel, Doctor Mondego (Denise Weinberg) will confront Ciça after she caught the good guy with Jéssica. “I wanted to know what you thought of one of our interns, Rominho. “Is he really loyal to the organization?” he will ask.

The girl will even say that the employee has adapted to his duties, but will not convey confidence. “Be careful what you’re going to say. I know that Rominho is your friend and that you like him. Maybe that will influence your judgment of him, but you have to be deeply honest,” warns the played bandit Denise Weinberg.

“If this boy could jeopardize the future of our company, you better reveal it now. If you deliver your friend you will get points. If I find out that you don’t do something from me, and if this boy causes problems in the organization, then.” “You will be held accountable,” he added.

With no way out, Ciça will give up the boy: “Rominho seems doubtful to me, I don’t think he’s completely converted. He has a romance with Jéssica, he gets along very well with Diego. I think these two things already prove that they do not come from trust”.

Mondego will not hide its satisfaction. “I already knew that, I was just testing your loyalty. Very good, congratulations. “You passed the test,” said the scientist.

The criminal will contact the gang doctor and give the order to begin the final examination of the boy. “Are you taking Rominho to Pavilion 9?” the girl will ask. “No, Pavilion 9 is a transition to another stage. The inmates sent there are special. After all, they can give life to many other people,” the villain will say.

Samantha Jones’ character will be shocked. “Do you remove organs for donation?” you will understand. “Enough, you got it. You can go,” the doctor will answer. The girl will see Rominho already sedated, she will cry and beg for forgiveness.

Rominho is sedated for the operation in the soap opera

What happens to Rominho?

After escaping the farm and meeting Rafael (Humberto Carrão), Diego is surprised by Ciça in the middle of the night. The girl will call for the fugitive in the middle of the forest. “Rominho needs us. Diego, please. Diego, Rominho will die if we don’t do something,” Jéssica’s rival will shout.

The former waiter will answer the vixen’s calls. “What’s up? I am here. Why are you calling me? Where are your friends?” he will assume. “Listen! If we don’t do something now, they will kill Rominho,” the traitor will declare. “I understand. Is that your plan? Pretending to be a friend to get us in? Are you kidding me?” the wronged person will ask.

There is no plan. I found out what they do there on the farm. They take people’s organs, they kill people to take their organs, and that’s exactly what will happen to Rominho. If we don’t do anything now, Rominho will be dismantled.

Diego doesn’t want to believe the gang employee’s good intentions. Rafael will give the girl a chance. “We have to take action. We can’t wait for the police,” the Rhodes heir will realize.

The person concerned will point out that the young woman is part of the organization. “I’m risking my life here now too. If we don’t leave now, Rominho, your friend, will die,” Samantha Jones’ character will insist. “I believe in her,” Maíra’s (Sophie Charlotte) lover will say.

Ciça will explain her plan to invade the farm: “I’ve thought of something. It’s a bit risky, but it’s the only chance we have. There will be a supply truck there tomorrow morning for the farm. We will enter the farm and save Rominho.” “.

End of the farm in Todas as Flores

The trio will carry out the plan, intercepting a transport on the way to the farm and trading with the supplier’s employees. You can enter the property in disguise.

The vigilante will save Rominho from his tragic fate as he lies on the operating table. But Ciça is shot during the confrontation with the henchmen. The police will then arrive on site and put an end to the organization.

In the final chapter, Rominho will happily appear next to Jéssica. The girl will also reveal that she is pregnant with him. However, the young woman does not find out the whereabouts of the baby that was torn from her arms.

Todas as Flores was created and written by João Emanuel Carneiro. The 85 chapters of the soap opera are available in the Globoplay catalog. Currently the plot is shown on open television after Terra and Paixão.

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