Hungary rejects EU accession talks with Ukraine

Hungary rejects EU accession talks with Ukraine

The Hungarian government rejects negotiations for Ukraine’s accession to the European Union. The Minister of the Hungarian Chancellery explained this Gergely Gulyas this Thursday in Budapest. Gulyás complained at the government press conference that Ukraine did not meet the necessary conditions for negotiations. The minister emphasized that they had not done this before the war or even today.

➤ Read all current developments on the situation in Ukraine here

Hungary: EU needs new strategy

Hungary offers Ukraine a special partnership, but sees no possibility of starting EU accession negotiations. The European Union needs a new strategy for Ukraine, the minister emphasized regarding support for Ukraine. The Hungarian government continues to reject the joint loan, although another solution is needed, Gulyás demanded.

Four of the seven requirements met

The European Commission presented its enlargement reports to candidate countries in Brussels on Wednesday. It recommended the start of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. According to the report, four of the seven requirements imposed on Ukraine were fully met.

➤ Read more: EU Commission for accession negotiations with Ukraine

Regarding funds for Hungary withheld by the European Commission due to concerns about the rule of law, Gulyás stressed that Brussels was trying to “blackmail” Budapest, without success. He also alleged that the EU was withholding funding for Hungary due to Ukraine’s possible EU membership.

In the dispute with Hungary over violations of the rule of law, the EU Commission is withholding all EU Cohesion Fund money for the Eastern European country. A total of around €22 billion was frozen as of December 2022. The EU Commission has sent Hungary a catalog of requirements it must meet in the dispute over the rule of law before EU funds can flow.