1699594867 The Televisa actress decides to suddenly leave the country 5

The Televisa actress decides to suddenly leave the country 5 months after the disappearance of her nephew

The beloved actress Florence by Sarachofamous for his participation in Televisa soap operas such as Yo amo a Juan Querendón, Rebelde, Sueños y carameles, Amor bravío and more This caused concern among his followers on social networks by sending a statement announcing this He left Mexico with his family.

The actress released this information because had to cancel work commitments For this reason last minute.

“I thank you all with all my affection and love for your concern for me and my family. We decided to stay in the United States because of the uncertainty in Mexico.” Indian.

Florencia de Saracho reported that she was in the United States with her family; left Mexico due to insecurity / Instagram

And he added: “I am happy about all the expressions of affection towards us, we will be well as always and united as a family.” Saracho Flower”.

On November 9, Florencia wanted to hold a bazaar in Polanco to help fund chemotherapy treatments for children with cancer, but her sudden move left her unable to attend the event.

There are many doubts on social networks about what is happening to the actress / Instagram

Why did Florencia de Saracho leave Mexico?

The actress who continued her career at Televisa and not He announced his retirement to devote himself to his family. consisting of her three children and her husband, He asked for help with his nephew’s disappearance in June.

“What I am about to tell you is very serious. I ask you please if you know something: He is my nephew, he is the son of my cousin and sister, he is very close to me and is missing“, he commented.

He is the missing nephew of actress Florencia de Saracho / Instagram

Although a Search tab According to the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Sonora, the young man did not appear, although he also offered himself Reward of 100,000 pesos to anyone who provided information about his whereabouts. However, so far it has not been found.