Israel former PM Olmert The October 7 attacks were caused

Israel, former PM Olmert: “The October 7 attacks were caused by Netanyahu’s failures .”

Israel former PM Olmert The October 7 attacks were caused

Netanyahu It’s part of history now. The shorter this story is, the better it will be for Israel. Be failure caused the terrible attacks of October 7th to the State of Israel.” These are the words of the former Israeli Prime Minister Edhu Olmertexclusively interviewed by Chiara Proietti d’Ambra For A clean swing (La7).

Olmert, who was prime minister from 2006 to 2009 and the historic leader of the right-wing nationalist party LikudHe harshly criticizes the current government: “It consists of some far-right messianic groups and the Prime Minister supports their policies West Bank, that the Settlers They want to create the other war front so that they have the opportunity to do so in this chaos, in this Armageddon Get rid of the Palestinians – continues – I think this government is more dangerous than war. For now we must focus on one goal: destroy Hamas. And achieving this requires strong leadership. Instead, Netanyahu is doing more to defend himself against public criticism.”

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Gaza, the exodus of the Palestinians: thousands of displaced people move on foot to the southern part of the strip. Pictures

And he adds: “Netanyahu is helpless and completely dependent. They are American To dictate more or less lthe line of military operation Israeli and the Israeli leadership is actually entrusted to the army. Netanyahu’s statement that Israel will bear responsibility for security a Gaza For an indeterminate amount of time he just thinks his complete incompetence to understand where it is. We don’t have to occupy Gaza, because it runs counter to Israel’s interests. When we have defeated Hamas in Gaza – he explains – we must enter international force consisting of NATO countrieswho will take control for a limited time Time to restore civil administration e Help rebuild the strip. Only now The Palestinian Authority will be able to regain control of Gaza. The problem is that the Israeli government does not want to withdraw from the West Bank. It means that There will be no long-term political solution and this position must change“.

Olmert concludes: “Israel must now clearly declare that it will commit to a political solution after the end of the war.”will immediately begin negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on a two-state solution. It means that the State of Israel stands next to a Palestinian state Territories of 1967, which dismantled the West Bank settlements and returned them to the Palestinians“.