Via Santo Stefano cordoned off and police deployed Adinolfi challenged

Via Santo Stefano cordoned off and police deployed, Adinolfi challenged | PHOTO

Mario Adinolfi competed in Bologna. The politician known for his ultra-Catholic positions (former president of Popolo della Famiglia, a strongly conservative party linked to many pro-life groups, editor’s note) presented his book against abortion in Baraccano. An armored presentation in anticipation of the announced protests. In fact, around two hundred demonstrators marched along Via Santo Stefano, which was closed to traffic and cordoned off by police in anti-riot gear.

“Today Adinolfi was able to present his anti-abortion book and that is unacceptable,” an activist announced via megaphone as some demonstrators set off smoke bombs.

“An abortion is a right,” added another girl who took part. “Adinolfi is an author who does not have my respect. He believes women should be subservient to men, and that is a sexist worldview.”

Chants against the writer and Prime Minister Meloni can be heard in the background while the procession takes place under the eyes of the residents.

It is not the first time that the author has tried to exhibit his works at the Baraccano: an event was already planned for April at the Sala Biagi, but it was canceled due to fears for his safety.