More than 150 legal instruments were agreed during FIHAV Workers

More than 150 legal instruments were agreed during FIHAV Workers of Cuba

During the year, more than 150 regulatory and/or legal contracts were concluded between domestic and foreign companies XXXIX. Havana International Fairwhose conclusion and awarding of the best products and pavilions took place this Friday at the Expocuba Theater.

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Ricardo CabrisasDeputy Prime Minister and Head of the Department of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment (Mincex), noted that what happened this week is evidence of our commitment to the development of the nation and the prosperity of the Cuban people, as well as our commitment to the Cuban people Increasing and diversifying exports of goods and services and foreign investment.

At the same time, it was confirmed that Cuba is not alone; “The presence of friends and strategic partners who are ready to participate effectively in our 2030 national economic and social development plan is remarkable,” said the also president of the FIHAV 2023 organizing committee at the closing event.

In the presence of Alejandro Gil, Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Economy and Planning Department, and other leaders, representatives of the diplomatic corps and exhibitors, he said that the number of companies from Cuba and around the world registered on this occasion exceeds that of the previous year.

This regional-level exhibition is a reflection of the continuous changes the country is making to boost priority sectors such as agri-food, energy, light industry, construction, tourism, mining, information technology and telecommunications. among others.

The Mincex boss emphasized that Cuba adheres to its vision of promoting effective production chains between its actors and creating alliances that revolutionize local development at the provincial and national levels.

Cabrisas emphasized that the first presence of the 15 provinces and the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud also made it possible to internationalize the potential for trade, cooperation and foreign investment that exists in the territories.

He said that on this occasion, support for Cubans living abroad who are interested in promoting and contributing to the development of their homeland is once again important.

FIHAV 2023 allowed us to meet again old and new friends from 60 countries, and around 670 foreign companies joined us to talk about business and investments and look for new paths of common development for Cuba, the Latin American and Caribbean region and to search for the world.

The results of this meeting are encouraging and optimistic and show the interest of the business community in many countries to continue to bet on Cuba, he stressed, reporting that more than 150 official and legal instruments have been formalized.

These include 24 export contracts and 10 import contracts, 82 cooperation agreements and letters of intent that require connections between domestic and foreign partners, 10 production or service contracts between different economic actors, four memorandums of understanding and three business deals. Foreign investments.

He pointed out that the signing of agreements represents the basis for the promotion of new international economic associations, mainly involving Spain, Italy, Venezuela, Portugal, Mexico, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Canada, Vietnam and Mozambique.

The Deputy Prime Minister explained that a year after celebrating the 40th anniversary of this commercial exchange, Expocuba continues to breathe a climate of hope, cooperation and brotherhood, mentioning as a novelty the inclusion of a forum for young entrepreneurs, which also involved representatives from more than 10 countries and regional youth organizations.

He announced that the next edition of FIHAV will take place from November 5th to 9th, 2024, when it will celebrate its fourth anniversary.