Tense moment Apple customer confronts employee for wearing Palestinian flag

Tense moment: Apple customer confronts employee for wearing Palestinian flag at California store, calling her a “fucking idiot” when she denies Hamas beheaded babies

  • Tensions erupted at an Apple Store in California when an Israeli customer spotted an employee wearing a Palestinian flag on her jeans
  • In one
  • In the video, the customer called the employee a “terrorist” who supported Palestine and asked the manager why she was allowed to wear such clothing

A few tense confrontations broke out at an Apple Store in California when an Israeli customer observed an employee displaying a Palestinian flag on her jeans.

In a video posted on

In the video, the cameraman calls the employee a “terrorist” who “supports fucking Palestine.”

In response, the worker simply smiles at the camera and proudly points to her item of clothing that says “Right here.”

A store manager then approaches the angry customer, who then turns his attention to her and demands to know why she allowed the worker to wear the pro-Palestinian garment.

Tensions erupted at an Apple Store in Irvine, California, when an Israeli customer spotted an employee wearing a Palestinian flag on her jeans

Tensions erupted at an Apple Store in Irvine, California, when an Israeli customer spotted an employee wearing a Palestinian flag on her jeans

In response, the worker simply smiles at the camera and proudly points to the item of clothing that says “Right Here.”

In response, the worker simply smiles at the camera and proudly points to the item of clothing that says “Right Here.”

The man asks the manager, “Why is she wearing that flag?” Do you know what Hamas did? They beheaded babies.’

Instead of engaging in a political discussion, the manager simply tells him that he has to leave the store and that if he doesn’t comply, security will be called.

“We’ll call security.” “We don’t need you to bother them,” she explains.

The man replies: “I don’t bother anyone.”

The manager replies, “Is there anything else we can help you with?”

“I want to know why you let her wear that?” Does she support Hamas? If not, then why is she wearing that flag? Why did you let them carry that flag?’ he asks.

In one

In one

In the video, the customer calls the employee a “terrorist” who supports Palestine The customer asks the manager why the worker was allowed to wear such clothing

In the video, the customer calls the employee a “terrorist” who supports Palestine while asking the manager why she is allowed to wear such clothing

“Is she supportive?” [terror group] Hamas?’ he wants to know.

The woman with the offensive flag then holds her hands up to the camera and tells the supposed customer to “stop screaming.”

But the customer continues to claim that Hamas “fucking beheaded our babies.”

“That never happened,” the worker replies.

The cameraman is then seen calling the employee a “fucking idiot.”

The worker appears irritated, but sensibly walks away from the situation, just as the customer calls her a “piece of shit.”

The manager once again asks the harassing customer to leave the store.

1699685068 375 Tense moment Apple customer confronts employee for wearing Palestinian flag 1699685069 369 Tense moment Apple customer confronts employee for wearing Palestinian flag 1699685071 122 Tense moment Apple customer confronts employee for wearing Palestinian flag 1699685073 169 Tense moment Apple customer confronts employee for wearing Palestinian flag Several on social media expressed dissatisfaction with workers displaying the flag on their clothing

Several on social media expressed dissatisfaction with workers displaying the flag on their clothing

Some on X are asking Apple CEO Tim Cook, pictured, for an answer to the dispute

Some on X are asking Apple CEO Tim Cook, pictured, for an answer to the dispute

“Shame on @Apple for allowing this celebration.” [of] Hamas from an Apple Store employee,” said one X user. “Why call it a place of community when it’s now just a political stage for your employees?”

“Apple, do you want to be boycotted next?” asked another. “Identify these employees and fire them.”

“I write as a Jewish customer and shareholder,” said another X user. “The store staff makes Jewish customers feel unsafe and under attack.” Hamas, the Palestinian entity’s elected ruler, recently kidnapped and murdered 1,800 Israelis and Americans. Urgent advice please.’

“Employees who annoy potential or existing customers ultimately hurt sales and Apple shareholders,” explained another.

“So Apple supports terrorism? Wearing the flag as an employee is harassment in itself. And a blanket acknowledgment from Apple that they support terrorism,” another commenter noted.

has reached out to Apple for comment on the encounter.