1699736202 Griffintown Shots at a pizzeria

Griffintown | Shots at a pizzeria

Shots were fired at the front of the Moretti Pizzeria in the Griffintown neighborhood around 4:20 a.m. Saturday evening.

Published at 9:46 am. Updated at 10:07 a.m


The store was closed at the time, but one person was inside. Informed by calls to 911, several officers from the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) intervened.

“Police determined that the window of the store had been reached and shell casings were found on the ground in the area,” said SPVM media officer Caroline Chevrefils.

The man at the scene was not injured while the shooters in this case fled. No arrests were made at this time.

“A perimeter fence has been erected to protect the crime scene where forensic identification technicians and investigators are working. Wellington Street has been closed between Peel and Robert-Bourassa, but this is not impacting traffic,” the SPVM spokesperson continued.

This is the first time this establishment has been shot at.

Pizzeria Moretti attracted media attention in the summer and early fall of 2020 because its managers refused to comply with health regulations issued by the Quebec government to combat the spread of COVID-19. His alcohol license had even been revoked for 45 days by the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux.

Griffintown Shots at a pizzeria


This establishment apology was published on November 6th.

More recently, the restaurant has reportedly been involved in a position related to the Israel-Hamas conflict in the Middle East. An opinion expressed on social media that has since been deleted led to a public apology from the establishment. Recalling a form of piracy, Moretti Pizzeria stated that it had “no political or religious opinion” and focused “on the love of food.”