Barton Cowperthwaite undergoes surgery for lemon sized brain tumor – Chron

Tiny Pretty Things actor Barton Cowperthwaite reveals he needs surgery for a lemon-sized brain tumor as his co-stars offer their support

Barton Cowperthwaite revealed he is suffering from a serious illness.

The 31-year-old “Tiny Pretty Things” actor shared the news on Friday alongside a photo of himself in a hospital gown.

‘So…. “Yesterday I was diagnosed with at least a stage 2 glioma,” he announced matter-of-factly on Instagram.

“It’s a fairly large brain tumor,” he said, before explaining that the situation could have been much worse.

“The tumor’s cells come from the brain, so it cannot spread from a cancer to another location in the body.”

Announcement: Barton Cowperthwaite announced that he is suffering from a serious illness.  “I have been diagnosed with at least stage 2 glioma,” he announced matter-of-factly on Instagram, sharing a photo of himself in a hospital gown

Announcement: Barton Cowperthwaite announced that he is suffering from a serious illness. “I have been diagnosed with at least stage 2 glioma,” he announced matter-of-factly on Instagram, sharing a photo of himself in a hospital gown

The Fosse/Verdun actor shared photos of his X-rays which showed a large white mass.

“The only treatment for something like this is brain surgery,” he wrote.

“So far, the doctors have been confident that they can remove most of the tumor and that after a successful operation and some rehab, I will operate like I am (amazing, talented, brilliant, hilarious),” he confidently explains.

“That being said, it seems like scans and check-ups will be a part of my life for the rest of my life.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, a glioma is “a cell growth that begins in the brain or spinal cord.”

As the tumor grows, it can press on brain or spinal cord tissue and cause dangerous symptoms.

“Oh Barty, I’m so sorry to hear that. “Sending you so much love ❤️❤️❤️ You got this!!!’ wrote his co-star Brennan Clost.

“I love you, Bart. Sending you so much healing.” “You got this,” wrote TPT star Casimere Jollette.

Scans: The actor shared the scan results taken at the hospital which showed a lemon-sized tumor in his front right frontal lobe Scans: A glioma is “a cell growth that begins in the brain or spinal cord,” according to the Mayo Clinic.

Scans: The actor shared the scan results taken at the hospital which showed a lemon-sized tumor in his front right frontal lobe. According to the Mayo Clinic, a glioma is “a cell growth that begins in the brain or spinal cord.”

Best of all: In a video update on Saturday, the actor said,

Best of all: In a video update on Saturday, the actor said, “We’re meeting some of the best of the best on Monday.” And I’ll be able to decide next week where I want to have the surgery.

Michael Hsu Rosen sent a simple letter of support: “I love you so much, Barton.”

In an update video on Saturday, the dancer explained that the tumor was discovered after he suffered a series of seizures.

“I’ve had several seizures over the last eight weeks, the last of which landed me in the emergency room,” he told the camera.

After a CAT scan, doctors discovered “a lemon-sized glioma” in the right frontal lobe.

He was discharged at the weekend, but the operation is due soon.

“We’re rallying the troops and strategizing,” Barton told his fans.

“We’re meeting with some of the best of the best on Monday. And I’ll be able to decide next week where I want to have the surgery.”

Support: The actor and his family set up a Go Fund Me account after offers of support from friends and fans to cover expenses during his recovery.  “Brain surgery isn’t cheap and I think it would be incredibly helpful for me to have my family around here,” he said

Support: The actor and his family set up a Go Fund Me account after offers of support from friends and fans to cover expenses during his recovery. “Brain surgery isn’t cheap and I think it would be incredibly helpful for me to have my family around here,” he said

After a wave of concern from friends and fans, Barton said he and his family would set up a Go Fund Me account.

“Brain surgery is not cheap and I think it would be incredibly helpful for me if my family could be close by,” he said, explaining that the money raised will cover food and rent for him and his family during recovery could Well, any costs that insurance doesn’t cover.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart,” he said.

“The response and outpouring of support has been absolutely overwhelming and words cannot express my gratitude and I am just overwhelmed, so thank you and I love you.”