Big Brother Anita disappeared from the house Luzzis epic reaction

Big Brother Anita disappeared from the house: Luzzi’s epic reaction

What happened to Carmen Sandiego asked a popular 1990s show. The competitors in the competition also asked themselves this question in the last few hours Big Brother. The “Carmen” in question is Anita OlivieriShe disappeared from the radar for about an hour, without her roommates having any idea where she had ended up. What stood out beyond the unusual event was the punctuality and conciseness Beatrice Luzzi’s reaction, Arch-enemy of the 26-year-old Roman.

The bizarre dynamic caught the attention of the most attentive viewers, who couldn’t wait X. Anita, loudly Reconstructions of users, was convened confessionalas in practice. Massimiliano Varreselater it was called in turn and expected to achieve it Olivieri. On the contrary, the confessional was empty. Worried and astonished, the Roman held out his hand Ciro Petronetold him what had happened.

“She hasn’t been seen before,” replied the Neapolitan actor. “Now she’s got the microphone out there.” I think something happened, what happened? In my opinion something happened outside. The news instantly spread throughout the house and sparked debate Voltage generally. The only one who took this Anita’s disappearance It was like that with philosophy Beatrice Luzziopen as always.

But didn’t they say he was in the confessional? Oh, it’s not there? How nice! We got rid of Anita.

The actress and the blonde Gieffina are certainly not best friends. On Friday, October 10th, she argued angry because of them Luzzi again how the 26-year-old talked about the relationship behind her back Giuseppe Garibaldi. It can therefore be understood that the idea that Anita had left the house was anything but unpleasant for her.

Anyway, the girl came over after an hour confessional and without informing anyone about it absence. It is very likely that she has been given precise instructions and is not allowed to reveal anything to her friends.

Anita Olivieri, like many curiosities on her journey to Big Brother

THE SocialIn the meantime, they continue to thunder against it Anita Olivieri, outraged and suspicious of many aspects of his path. First of all, the candidate has been on the list for weeks Roommates’ favorites and consequently, immune to nominations. The public, on the other hand, is eager to see it Televoting and he finds it really strange that the Roman woman continues to save herself in one way or another.

Let’s not forget the ambiguous conversation Olivieri had with Rosy Chin in which she implied that she had one flirt ongoing with an author of reality show. Finally, the young woman’s last contradictory statement concerns her own Parents. At X There is a video circulating in which… Anitachat with GaribaldiHe admits to having spoken to his parents: “I know my parents are fine, I’ve heard from them, I’ve asked my dad.”

A decidedly misleading statement that once again puts the accusation in the spotlight favoritism that the Competitors received since the beginning of his life Away in the bunker of Cinecitta. Anita really spoke secretly with me Parents? Gieffina may also be alluding to the surprise he gave her Father a few weeks ago when he entered the house. What is certain is that the suspicion that there is more is difficult to dispel.