Since Hamas’ terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, the world has experienced a new wave of antiSemitism. Many countries have registered demonstrations against the State of Israel. In the United States (USA), Jewish students live out their lives Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) claim they were prevented from attending classes by a “blockade” of antiIsrael students.
The group hostile to Jewish students is called the Coalition Against Apartheid (CAA), and its operations in the university environment have made it clear to several students that school is “not a safe place for Jews.”
An open letter from the MIT Israeli Alliance said Jewish and Israeli students were “physically” hindered by the “hostile” group in classrooms ProPalestine. “This came after CAA students in recent weeks harassed MIT employees in their offices because they were Jewish and disrupted classes.”
“Many Jewish students are afraid to leave their dorms and have stated that they feel MIT is not safe for them.”
“This message is reinforced by public and private warnings from Hillel (the school’s Jewish alumni community) and several faculty that Jewish students should not enter MIT’s main lobby today.”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Image: MIT/ReproductionThreat of suspension
According to the American newspaper The New York Post, four hours after the CAA protests began, the MIT administration asked students to leave the lobby and threatened them with suspension. However, only the Jewish students who were present to resist the CAA left the place.
“Intifada” violence
The message continued: “In fact, the CAA has invited more nonMIT students and protesters to join them in calling for a violent uprising (“Intifada”) and justifying Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.”
“Dangerous area”
An hour later, all students were notified with an emergency message. The warning urged them to avoid the area and formally acknowledged the “danger this violent protest poses to students.”
“The responsibility for protecting Jewish students should not lie with the students themselves,” the organization said.
Disregarding MIT guidelines
The letter continued: “CAA has organized a blockade that not only violates MIT policies but also prevents Jewish students from attending classes.”
Symbolic date
The MIT Israel Alliance noted that the CAA protest took place on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a violent attack on Jews across Nazi Germany in 1938. “We are seeing history repeating itself, and Jews on the MIT campus are afraid,” the letter concludes.
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