1699752898 Stranger saves her dogs in a coma

Stranger saves her dogs in a coma

A woman in a coma’s three dogs were saved from euthanasia thanks to a stranger and a Facebook post.

The owner of three Labrador mixes, Jeter, Pauly and Snowy, was in a coma for several days after being hit by a pickup truck while jogging in San Antonio, USA.

Stranger saves her dogs in a coma

Photo from City of San Antonio Animal Care Services Facebook account

With the help of a neighbor, the three dogs were left to fend for themselves for several days before animal control took them back to the shelter.

“A complaint was made to the animal shelter that there were three dogs that appeared to be neglected,” said Lisa Norwood, a spokeswoman for the city of San Antonio’s animal control department, the Washington Post reported.

Stranger saves her dogs in a coma

Photo from City of San Antonio Animal Care Services Facebook account

During a conversation with the neighbor, shelter staff learned that the owner loved her dogs and learned that she had been in an accident.

“We were able to confirm that the woman was indeed still in the hospital,” Norwood said. Her condition was so critical that she would not be coming home anytime soon.”

Neither the neighbors nor the victim’s sister could care for the dogs, so the animal shelter took them in. After a week, no one came to pick her up. So the shelter decided to create a Facebook post to offer her for adoption.

Since the animal shelter was full, the only option for all three dogs was euthanasia, which Missy Brown refused.

“We’re doing everything we can,” Norwood assured. We appeal to the public every time we have animals that are at imminent risk of euthanasia.”

Missy Brown, who has no connection to the Mistress of the Three Little Animals, didn’t hesitate when she saw the publication.

“Why wouldn’t I have helped? asked the veteran, now disabled. I have the opportunity to prevent tragedy and pain for her owner as she recovers.”

The Facebook post received hundreds of comments and shares, but few people expressed interest in adopting at least one dog. Brown was the only one who continued the trial.

“I can’t imagine going through something as traumatic as being hit by a car, doing something you do every day and coming home to find all your comrades gone,” Brown said.

The three animals and their rescuer regain their strength while their owner gets back on her feet.

“We really want her mother to get better,” she added. I know they miss her.”