Ladispoli, the lion Kimba escapes from the circus, panic in the city: “Don’t go out”. Hunt between houses, then captured after 7 hours

Seven hours of lion hunting on the streets of Ladispoli. With carabinieri, traffic police, police and financiers. Along with three vets, armed with rifles full of tranquilizer bullets. A first attempt at catching around 3 p.m. in a thicket of reeds between Viale Mediterraneo and Via Nicosia, not far from the Rony Roller circus the cat Kimba had recently left his cage, then the animal managed to escape again when it appeared to be already trapped. And it reached the homes and terrorized the residents who were stuck in their homes. A surreal scene in which the beast wanders between the houses, albeit dazed and limping. Pursued by the police but without ever giving the vets a chance to beat and sedate him. And so the lion disappeared again at 8:30 p.m. after returning to the reeds. He was captured at 10 p.m.

“A Lion And ran away from that circus waited inside Mediterranean avenue. The animal was immediately tracked down in the adjacent watercourse. The circus staff implements this Capture operationswith the support of police who are prompt intervened on site. Yes Please borrow maximum attention and to avoid travel until further notice.” This is the News started in the afternoon Saturday November 11th from that mayor From Ladispoli Alessandro Grando.

Spotted near a stream

The feline was immediately identified nearby Marquee, along the Sanguinara stream that runs next to the clearing where the circus was set up: he got stuck in the swamp and could not get out, although panic reigned in the coastal town for a few minutes. checkpoints, in Flight also a helicopter the police started from Pratica di Mare. An investigation is currently underway to determine whether the lion is being cared for in accordance with animal welfare standards, whether the ownership documents are in order and whether the safety measures to avoid “evasion” have been followed by those responsible of the Rony Roller Circus with Stefano Orfei, who has a show planned for tomorrow.

Afterwards, sightseeing between the villas from afternoon to evening

The lion was initially on the verge of capture, but later managed to escape and reach the nearest houses, always closely followed by the Carabinieri patrols. Many residents posted videos from their homes worrying about what could have happened, although military personnel did not lose contact with the animal, which continued to run between homes even after sunset. There was no danger to humans; the animal was limping and also appeared dazed. The police are awaiting the arrival from Rome of a veterinarian specializing in this type of animal, who will euthanize the animal by shooting himself with a soporific bullet.

The allegations against the community

Also because it broke out immediately controversy with me residents they have accused The Together that I didn’t take everything Safety measures to avoid similar risks. Some people really don’t want the circus in Ladispoli. A dispute that has been going on for years. “For those who start asking: why are you still bringing the circus with animals to Ladispoli? Why did the mayor approve the circus? The answer is – emphasizes the mayor – that I have not approved anything, it is not my place to do so and that unfortunately we cannot ban circuses with animals from our city. In the 2017 We tried, but we lost that Appeal to the TAR and we also had to cover the plaintiffs’ legal fees. Until the rules change, we can’t do anything else. I will give you more information as it is shared with me. Animal rights activist Enrico Rizzi also gets involved, publishing a video of the lion walking between the houses and writing: “The lion escaped from the Ladispoli circus into the homes of the citizens. The prefect immediately revokes all permits for the circus.

Statements from residents

“I was walking the dog when I heard some residents calling me to go home. I thought they were angry at me and the dog, but later I realized there was a lion nearby. “I ran away immediately,” she says Silvia La Placa, one of the residents of the area where the cat roamed. Federica D. and Salvatore S., on the other hand, say they were “locked in the car with our family members for hours.” We wanted to go home, but were not allowed because there was a lion hunt there.

The protests of animal rights activists

The escape of a lion from the circus is “exemplary” because it “highlights the danger of circuses with animals from a public safety perspective and, above all, the discomfort of animals that are forced into captivity and used in shows,” explains the International Organization for the Protection of Animals “Returning to Hope.” the introduction of a law banning circuses with animals, also in line with the new Article 9 of the Constitution, which “protects the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, including in the interests of future generations”. Unlike those that use animals, circus shows only with acrobats and clowns can be educational and show human talents and not the painful constraints of sentient beings that humans force to perform through hard training. “Today a lion escaped from a circus in Ladispoli. This is the fifth escape of a circus animal in a year. The news, It also fills us with sadness for the lives of these animals who are forced to perform “performances”., renews the appeal of the LAV and the vast majority of Italians to quickly implement the enabling law to reorganize entertainment. It is time to say enough about animal “shows” and ensure that no one harms the lion!” demands the environmentalist association Lega Anti Vivisection (Lav).