Another wellpackaged podcast after the holidays! Matias Pinto and Filipe Figueiredo will keep you updated on the events in the fourth week of the war between Hamas and Israel. We spoke with Paulo Siqueira, who worked on the 2006 Palestinian elections. We also traveled around Europe reporting on the Portuguese Prime Minister’s resignation and other news. Together with Sylvia Colombo we tour our Latin American neighborhood, with a scandal in Uruguay. We travel around the world, the week in history, economics with Professor Vivian Almeida, pedestrian of the week and cultural tips conclude another broadcast of your international politics magazine in podcast format!
You don’t always have time, but you have to understand what’s happening in the world, especially since the planet is a mess. Every week Matias Pinto and Filipe Figueiredo bring you the most important news on international politics with analysis, criticism, guests and space for debate. Update and find out every Friday.
Tips and links about the Seventh Seal
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The international political magazine Verbal Chess is published in Central 3
Filipe Figueiredo He is a translator, student, teacher and (un)responsible for Verbal Chess. Graduated from the University of São Paulo with a degree in history without wanting to call himself a historian. Interested in politics, current events, sports, food, music and Batman.
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