Jennifer Aniston is devastated after the death of her boyfriend

Jennifer Aniston is devastated after the death of her boyfriend Matthew Perry

Since October 28 last year it became known that the American actor Matthew Perry had diedHis fans and friends still mourn what happened, a death for which there is still no clear cause. Those who have had the opportunity to speak with him have expressed their sadness Jennifer Aniston, Their great love, which they still say, has not been restored.

Although the actress has not said anything publicly about the incident, a close source said New magazine that Aniston is the one who suffered the most from Matthew’s death and that it is happening “The nights she cried until she fell asleep.” “Jenn knows that Matt has always had a passion for her. That’s why she stayed in touch with him for so many years. He hoped that one day his feelings would be reciprocated.”said.

Likewise, he emphasized that at the funeral they held for him Los Angeles, born in California, USAShe was the one who looked the most affected and it is even said that she is one of the ones who felt her loss the most. And their friendship went beyond the screens, even though Aniston knew she was the love of Perry’s life, she never stopped expressing her affection for him.

“She cared about him a lot. She called him frequently to make sure he was taking care of himself and staying clean after his battle with addiction. Matthew had previously acknowledged Jen after she actively supported him in his struggles.”the source added.

“She loved the sparkle in his eyes and his unique way of seeing the world. She really needs him right now to help her get through this.”said the source, who also noted that Perry’s physical departure was the second major loss the actress has suffered in less than a year. Well, it’s worth remembering that last year the interpreter of Rachel in “Friends” He lost his father, a fact from which he has never been able to recover, and now his pain is twice as great as he is also left without one of his best friends.

Since they met ‘Friends’, Both stars formed an unbreakable friendship that lasted over time and not just on the set, as the actor always highlighted the support he received from Aniston during the worst moments of his life during his battle with addiction.

In 2022, Perry released his autobiography entitled “Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing,” Previously, she remembered the company her friend always gave her. “She was the closest person to me, you know? I am very grateful to her for that.” Regarding the cast he said: “We were like penguins. When one fell ill, the other supported him. I walked by his side until the penguin could walk on his own.”