Outraged participants Thunberg takes sides again in the climate demonstration

Outraged participants: Thunberg takes sides again in the climate demonstration…

With a black and white Palestinian scarf around her neck, the Swedish activist takes a stand at a climate demonstration. Some participants are outraged, a man takes the stage: he came here for a climate demonstration, “not to hear political opinions”.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg once again used a climate rally to side with Palestinians. Wearing a traditional black and white Palestinian scarf around her neck, she told a live-streamed rally in Amsterdam on Sunday that the climate movement had a duty to “listen to the voices of those who are oppressed and who fight for peace and justice.”

Thunberg then passed the microphone to a woman, also wearing a Palestinian scarf, who claimed that Israel was “committing genocide in my country.” Israel specifically targets hospitals and civilians, the woman said.

Man jumps on stage

Many participants reacted indignantly to the accusations. A man jumped onto the stage in front of the cameras and shouted into the microphone: “I came here for a climate rally, not to hear political opinions.”

Thunberg then appealed to participants to remain calm and then shouted several times: “There is no climate justice on occupied land.” She was obviously alluding to the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel.

Largest climate demonstration in the Netherlands

After a similar action last month, Thunberg had already been criticized for not having specifically mentioned the Israeli victims of the Hamas massacre on October 7, which left around 1,200 people dead.

According to organizers, around 85,000 people participated in the climate demonstration; It was the largest demonstration of its kind in the Netherlands to date. (APA/dpa)