Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Bolivian activist highlights upcoming solidarity forum with Cuba

“For the first time, solidarity activists will hold a meeting of this kind in parallel with the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council,” Guevara said of a preparatory meeting this Sunday.

He expressed optimism that many civil society organizations from Italy, Germany, Spain as well as Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela and of course the United States will take part in this meeting.

“We will speak in these parallel forums not only about the internal human rights situation in Cuba, but also to demand equal treatment at the economic, commercial and financial levels for the people harmed by the US blockade,” he said. Guevara to Prensa Latina.

He added that although it is not the UPR, the forum participants will demand Cuba’s withdrawal from the “false and biased list of countries supporting terrorism, arbitrarily invented by the US government.”

He believed that in the case of Cuba it was impossible to ignore the situation of being a victim of reprisals by the United States government for genocidal purposes, and therefore all good people on the planet had a duty to find out where the real rights violations lie. People.

“We have a duty to condemn them,” she said emphatically, “and to organize ourselves to take a clear position on these injustices and their consequences for children, women and the elderly, the main victims of this criminal reprisal against a people. “Defending their right to development with independence and sovereignty,” he described.

He praised that on November 16 and 17, an International Court of Justice will meet against this “criminal” policy that Washington has pursued for more than six decades, exacerbated by President Donald Trump (2017-2021) and by the current President of this country, Joseph, Biden is upheld.

He said that these debates will include jurists of recognized international standing who will highlight the main impact on several generations of Cubans, which he describes as “this legal framework that aims to bring an entire people into hunger and despair, which he said called “it is a genocidal practice.”

Referring to Cuba’s recent election as a member of the UN Human Rights Council, he described it as “extremely important.”

“Not only because it represents hope, but also because Cuba represents a fundamental element of the guarantee of justice in view of the serious violations that are occurring in various states,” said the expert of this news agency.

In the lecture, Guevara clarified that he was not only referring to governments that oppress their populations with military and police, as happened in Bolivia in 2019 during the coup and during the term of the de facto government in 2020 or as it did happened in Peru after the overthrow of President Pedro Castillo.

“The justice I speak of includes actions against vulnerable populations such as those currently being carried out by Israel with the complicity of the United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization against the Palestinian people,” he said.

He reiterated that Cuba is currently a member of the UN Human Rights Council, but at the same time has been a victim of this blockade for more than 60 years.

“This intention to suffocate our brotherly people deprives them of access to the international market, to financial exchanges and even to something basic such as the purchase of food and medicine,” he lamented.

“However, we believe that it is very important for civil society to highlight these injustices within the framework of the Human Rights Council,” concluded the activist.
