They make the strongest aluminum alloy in the world

They make the strongest aluminum alloy in the world

Three young entrepreneurs in their twenties have developed a very high-strength aluminum alloy with great industrial potential. Ferreol Technologies wants to first attack the ski industry market and then move into even more promising areas, namely automobiles and aerospace.

The decision to target the ski industry first is no coincidence. Founded in 2022, Ferreol Technologies is a spin-off from Ferreol Skis, the first company the three partners founded four years ago to develop high-performance, carbon-neutral alpine skis.

“Looking for a way to make our skis even more environmentally friendly, we developed an alloy based on aluminum and scandium, a reused mining residue. Experts we worked with then made it clear to us that we had developed the strongest alloy in the world,” explains Jonathan Audet, co-founder of Ferreol Technologies with Félix Lapointe and Étienne Boucher. The company won first prize in the Pierre Péladeau Scholarship Competition with a prize of $75,000.

A positive response

After filing a patent for their innovation, the partners visited major ski manufacturers around the world to present their new solution.

“They all signed a declaration of intent,” says Félix Lapointe. It is a huge market that is opening up for us. More than four million pairs of skis are produced worldwide every year.”

Beyond its performance properties, the new alloy also solves a supply problem for the industry. “As a ski manufacturer, we know that until now there was only one alloy that was good enough for making skis. “There was a need in the market for a new solution with added value in terms of mechanical properties and environmental responsibility,” explains Jonathan Audet, who is completing a master’s degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Sherbrooke.

Marketing is scheduled to begin in 2024. The three partners are currently working on developing their industrial strategy. “Part of the processing could be done here, the rest abroad.” All options are on the table,” says Jonathan Audet.

“Our opportunity is to be supported by good partners like Rio Tinto Alcan and the CQRDA [Centre québécois de recherche et de développement de l’aluminium] and the University of Sherbrooke, where we conducted the research project to develop our alloy,” he adds.

Quebecor Scholarships

Entrepreneurs also benefit from the support of the AsterX Fund, the venture capital unit set up by Quebecor.

“Receiving the scholarship was a real stepping stone for us. We were able to complete the research and development and conduct a performance study. Thanks to the support, we have also refined our business model to spread our innovation internationally,” explains Félix Lapointe, who, after studying mechanical engineering, enrolled in an MBA in business administration at the University of Laval.

For these three entrepreneurs who have the pleasure of combining three passions: engineering, skiing and entrepreneurship, the adventure has just begun.