Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Argentine ex combatants criticize Milei’s position on the Malvinas

The conflict between Argentine and British forces began on April 2, 1982 and ended on June 14 of the same year. 649 soldiers of this country died.

The European nation recorded 255 casualties.

Analysts believe that the war was an attempt by the last civil-military dictatorship (1976-1985) to extend its period of rule, but it ultimately hastened its end and brought heavy losses to the families of this South American country.

In a statement, members of the La Plata Ex-Combatants Center denounced that Milei identifies with those who have illegally usurped part of the national territory since 1833 and idolizes the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), who is responsible for this for the deaths of hundreds of soldiers and is considered an enemy of this nation.

We are part of a generation that has suffered from state violence since our youth, fighting for student tickets, enduring torture and the disappearance of classmates and, almost at the end of the dictatorship, the horrors of war. We survived this terrible experience and fought for the restoration of democracy, life, memory, truth, justice and peace, the text says.

In addition, it warns that the last administration of a neoliberal government (that of Mauricio Macri, 2015-2019) left this country in debt, caused the flight of foreign currencies and created the current crisis conditions.

Given the brutality with which this Anti-Democratic Task Force (LLA) intends to act, the utmost commitment of the popular sectors is required. We defend a sovereign Argentina with a broad social purpose. We didn’t vote for Milei, we voted for Sergio Massa. For the children of the Malvinas, whom we will never forget, the document ends.

For his part, journalist and former fighter Edgardo Esteban said he was embarrassed when he heard Milei compare the war to a football match during the presidential debate last night.

Thatcher is responsible for the deaths of 323 passengers on the Belgrano cruise. She is a war criminal and Milei admires her. Regrettable, he said.

The Minister for the Malvinas, Antarctica and the South Atlantic, Guillermo Carmona, also considered the LLA candidate’s position unforgivable and accused him of trivializing an issue that is central to Argentine foreign policy.
