Brazilians rescued from Gaza go to three states and DF

Brazilians rescued from Gaza go to three states and DF; Government must maintain aid G1

Find out who the Brazilians repatriated from Gaza are

According to the investigations of the g1 and TV Globo, passengers must land in Brasília on Monday evening (13) and spend two days in Brazilian Air Force facilities.

In addition to physical and mental rehabilitation, they must use this time to clarify repatriation documentation procedures. Check out a photo of the property below:

1 of 1 Brazilian Air Force (FAB) accommodation in Brasília Photo: FAB/Disclosure Brazilian Air Force (FAB) accommodation in Brasília Photo: FAB/Disclosure

The group rescued from Gaza includes, in addition to 22 Brazilian citizens (born or naturalized), also 10 Palestinians three firstdegree relatives of Brazilians and seven holders of the National Migration Register (RNM) who must be granted refugee status.

Plane with Brazilians rescued from Gaza arrives in Brasília on Monday evening (13).

After this first photo of the 32 passengers it was said g1:

  • 20 saved must stay in Brasília;
  • 9 You must go to an accommodation designated by the Ministry of Justice and Social Development in the interior of São Paulo.
  • two will go to Florianópolis (SC), and
  • 1 must go to Porto Alegre (RS).

The group destined for the interior of SP, according to government interlocutors involved in the repatriation, consists of people who have “lost family ties” with relatives in Brazil and are unable to become selfsufficient in the short term to settle down.

The federal government has announced in the last few days that it does not want to provide any concrete financial aid for these Brazilians and Palestinians. However, those who meet the criteria can apply for the Single Register (CadÚnico) and benefits such as Bolsa Família.

However, the government will maintain accommodation in emergency shelters and support in processing migration and refugee documents “indefinitely”.

“Some Brazilians already have a specific destination because they already have family here, so they will be relocated to these places where they will stay. A significant proportion, almost half of the group, have no accommodation. But the federal government has already done it.” Having made it available through the Ministry of Social Development, we already have the place where these people will be welcomed. This will be in the interior of São Paulo,” explained the National Minister of Justice, Augusto de Arruda Botelho, last Friday (10). .

The withdrawal from Gaza began this Sunday morning (12) as the group approached Palestinian migration control in the area. According to Itamaraty, the Brazilians then left the town and made their way to the Egyptian train station (2 km bus route).

There they were greeted by the team from the Brazilian Embassy in Cairo and went through immigration procedures to enter this country.

The Air Force plane left Cairo this Monday (6:52 a.m., Brazil time) to take the returnees to Brazil. The flight includes two technical stops: in Las Palmas, the Canary Islands and Recife Air Base.

Landing in Brasília, the final leg of the journey, is expected to take place this Monday around 11:30 p.m.