1699904189 Ana Hickmann Alexandre Correa gives first interview after fight Splash

Ana Hickmann: Alexandre Correa gives first interview after fight Splash

Ana Hickmann Alexandre Correa gives first interview after fight Splash

Alexandre Correa, 51, admitted to lying when he denied the argument with his wife Ana Hickmann, 42, on Saturday (11), confirming the contents of the police report registered by the Record presenter. In an exclusive interview with SquirtHe confirms the information provided by the woman and admits that he denied the fight at the request of the Leo Dias portal.

When I saw this note, I became completely desperate and denied it. Did you lie? I lied. Point. Or have I missed the fact? I left it out. I was on a street, desperate, confused. Was lost. I said, ‘My God in heaven.’ What thing?’ Sorry for the vocabulary: “What a mess that happened.” Why didn’t I argue, why didn’t I get up from the table, why didn’t I go to the corner, didn’t I get water? Why didn’t I bang my head against the wall? What not. But it’s gone. Alexandre Correa

Alexandre categorizes the discussion as “disintelligence between couples” and says he panicked when the scandal was revealed and the possibility of arrest loomed. “The only thing that doesn’t happen is the headbutt situation. That does not exist. This bias doesn’t exist.” In the operating room, Ana reported that her husband threatened to headbutt her as he pushed her against the wall.