India clears up rumors about her health

India clears up rumors about her health

The singer has been since last week India He felt unwell and had to cancel some work commitments. However, what initially looked like symptoms of COVID-19 turned out to be something else, which will cause her to remain inactive for the next few weeks.

It was the salsa singer herself who wanted to put an end to any rumors and clarify her health status with a press release sent to the media and also published on her social networks.

“To all my fans: warm hugs! As is my custom, I would like to communicate directly with you so that you can experience first-hand what I want to share with you.”, began the letter from the artist, who was born 54 years ago in San Juan but grew up in the Bronx. “A few weeks ago I started feeling unwell. After consulting with my doctor, the diagnosis was: an adverse reaction to a maintenance medication I take daily.”

Last week, during the press conference for the trumpeter’s “Telling and Playing Stories” show Luis “Perico” OrtizIt was reported that the singer had canceled her participation due to COVID-19 illness. India will be one of the guests of this concert, which will take place on Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 8:30 p.m. at the Caguas Fine Arts Center

“Fortunately, the situation was stopped in time and the consequences are not serious. However, based on the doctor’s recommendation, I need to rest for the next two weeks so that my body returns to normal.”, explained the singer, whose real name is Linda Viera Caballero. “I apologize for any inconvenience this situation may cause, especially to the fans in New York for whom I planned to sing at Carnegie Hall on November 25th. We will inform you of the new date of the concert soon.”

The singer ended her message by promising fans that she would return to her work schedule soon. “With more power than ever before. I love her”.

As current as that On October 28, 2023, La India performed a concert at the Coca-Cola Music Hall, where she celebrated her 40-year career in front of a full house.