In Poland parties opposed to Law and Justice have elected

In Poland, parties opposed to Law and Justice have elected the new President of the Chamber

In Poland, the parties opposed to Law and Justice that won parliamentary elections in October have elected the chamber’s new president: Szymon Hołownia, a 47-year-old former journalist and TV presenter, among the leaders of the centrist Third Way party . Hołownia was elected by all parties except Law and Justice, the far-right party that dominated Polish politics from 2015 until the last election.

His election was the first concrete evidence of the willingness of the parties that had previously been in opposition to govern together. “After this vote, no one can doubt that there is a majority in this parliament ready to govern,” Hołownia said. In the past few days, President Andrzej Duda had given the task of forming a government to outgoing Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, with a decision that was widely criticized by the opposition: in the next few days, provided there are no major surprises, Morawiecki will hand the task back to Duda, who will at that point should be handed over to Donald Tusk, the leader of the largest opposition party, the Civic Coalition.

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