War rages between Israel and Hamas as outcry over Gaza crisis grows: Live updates – CNN

6:11 p.m. ET, November 13, 2023

Blinken acknowledged disagreements within the State Department over the war between Israel and Hamas in an email to employees

From CNN’s Jennifer Hansler: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks to the media after the conclusion of the 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue on November 10 in New Delhi, India. Jonathan Ernst/Pool/AFP/Getty Images

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken acknowledged disagreements within the State Department over the Biden administration’s approach to the war between Israel and Hamas in an email to staff on Monday.

His message to staff, sent following his recent trips, comes amid growing anger and discontent not only among State Department employees but within the broader Biden administration.

CNN reported last week that hundreds of U.S. Agency for International Development employees had signed an open letter calling for a ceasefire, and there are reports of a “dissident memo” at the State Department. Last month, a State Department official publicly resigned in protest over the government’s policies in the Israel-Hamas war.

“I know that the suffering caused by this crisis is taking a deep personal toll on many of you,” Blinken wrote in his email on Monday, seen by CNN. “The agony that comes with seeing the daily images of babies and children.” The suffering of the people, the elderly, women and other civilians in this crisis is harrowing. I feel it myself.”

The top US diplomat noted that “some people in the department may disagree with the approaches we are taking or have an opinion about what we can do better.”

The head of the State Department then noted that forums had been organized in Washington, DC for employees to provide feedback.

“We listen: what you share influences our policies and our messages,” he said.

In his email, Blinken gave an overview of his trip to the Middle East and Asia last week and said that “the U.S.’s overarching goal remains the same: ending this terrible conflict as quickly as possible while standing alongside Israel.” “and the obligation to ensure, in full compliance with international humanitarian law, that a terrorist attack like that of October 7th never happens again.”

He reiterated that “far too many Palestinian civilians have died” and “much more can and should be done to alleviate their suffering.”
“As I have said privately and publicly, we believe that the voices of the Palestinian people must be at the heart of post-crisis governance in Gaza,” Blinken wrote. “We believe in a Palestinian-led government of the Gaza Strip, with Gaza united with the West Bank. The reconstruction of Gaza must be supported with a sustainable mechanism.”

HuffPost was first to report Monday’s email.

At a State Department briefing on MondaySpokesman Matt Miller noted that “the State Department, like any organization, not just in government but around the world, includes people with diverse views.”

“One of our strengths as an organization is that we have this diversity of views and we welcome people who express those views,” Miller said. He said Blinken met with a number of people “from all levels of the department and from different offices of the department” to hear exactly what they think about our policies, both regarding Israel and its conflict with Hamas also in relation to respect on other matters, even on very controversial matters.”