The EU seals the cooperation framework for the coming decades

The EU seals the cooperation framework for the coming decades with the Caribbean, Africa and the Pacific

Apia, November 15 (EFECOM). – The European Union (EU) and the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) signed a new cooperation agreement this Wednesday in Samoa, establishing a framework for their relations and cooperation in the region next two decades.

“The agreement offers a modern approach to our relations, geared to the needs and challenges of our time and the future,” said Spanish Secretary of State for Cooperation, Pilar Cancela, during her speech, signing her signature on behalf of the EU along with that of the 71 signatory countries.

Cancela explained that the new treaty, which replaces the post-Cotonou Treaty of 2000, is based on three priority axes: prosperity, the fight against environmental degradation and the climate crisis, and shared peace.

Jutta Urpilainen, EU Commissioner for International Partnerships, stressed that the Samoa Agreement takes relations between Europe and the ACP states “to a new level,” allowing us to respond to challenges such as climate change while maintaining engagement for human rights and democracy.

The EU’s signature served as the Global Gateway, its cooperation strategy through projects with which it tries to gain influence in view of the strength of the two great powers: the USA and especially China.

Satisfaction with the signing was somewhat dampened by the 35 ACP countries that did not sign it, some because their delegates could not travel to Samoa, while other countries present at the conference, such as Jamaica and Namibia, expressed their doubts.

Cancela reminded that they have until the end of the year to sign the contract if they do not want to be left out. EFECOM


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