Massa and Milei accelerate the use of artificial intelligence in

Massa and Milei accelerate the use of artificial intelligence in campaigns

The resource is widely used in the presidential contest in Argentina, particularly for negative campaigning: Milei appears as a psychopath from “A Clockwork Orange” and Massa as a Chinese leader imitating Mao Zedong

The final stretch of the presidential election campaign in Argentina is the scene of a flood of material produced with AI (artificial intelligence) by the two finalist candidates: Sergio Massa (of the Unión por la Patria coalition and Minister of Economy in the Peronist government). Alberto Fernández) and Javier Milei (from the coalition La Libertad Avanza and selfproclaimed libertarian).

The resource is mainly used in negative campaigns. Some content is created from scratch. In other cases, artificial intelligence is used in existing videos and images.

For example, a video created with AI places Milei’s face in a scene from Stanley Kubrick’s 1971 film “A Clockwork Orange.” The libertarian is shown on the body of the main character, the sociopath Alex DeLarge. whose habits include extremely violent acts, including rape.

DeLarge is a teenage gang leader who commits crimes and acts of violence for his own pleasure. In the story, the character is chosen for the “Ludovic treatment.” Sham therapy prevents him from committing violence by making him “sick” at the thought of hurting someone.

The content creator used AI in the scene of the film in which the main character and his companions face the viewer while holding and drinking a glass of milk. In this case, the drink represents the youth of Alex and his friends, as the young people in the film are portrayed at 17 to 18 years old.

In addition to Milei, the faces of Patricia Bullrich, candidate who came third in the first round of the Argentine election, and Maurício Macri, former president of Argentina, can be seen in the video. Both declared their support for Milei in the second round, scheduled for November 19th.

The content also presents the following message: “Milei’s madness is not funny, it is dangerous.” Not Milei.”

Watch (48s):

In another video, artificial intelligence was used to create a movie trailer showing Buenos Aires in flames. In it, Milei is portrayed as the villain and depicted in a straitjacket, while Massa is the hero responsible for saving Argentina’s democracy. Bullrich and Macri can also be seen in the video.

Clock (50s):

Thatcher and the Falklands War

In the last debate between Massa and Milei on November 12, the rightwing MP praised former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. “There have been great leaders throughout history and Mrs Thatcher was one of them,” he said.

The line was used in a video criticizing Milei and supporting Massa. The content reports on an episode of the Falklands War fought between Argentina and the United Kingdom in 1982.

The video uses images created with artificial intelligence and shows Argentine soldiers on the cruiser ARA. General Belgrano and Thatcher order the British attack on the Argentine warship. The war lasted less than two months, killed 323 people and gave the British cause victory over the islands known in English as the Falklands.

The content ends with a statement by Massa: “A country cannot be led by those who admire its enemies.” The speech was also delivered during the debate on November 12th.

Watch (1 minute, 1 second):


Artificial intelligence was also used for critical content about Sergio Massa. For example, the Minister of Economic Affairs appears in a poster created with AI, in which he dresses and makes a gesture modeled on a poster by Mao Zedong (18931976).

The Chinese was one of the founders of the CPC (Communist Party of China), leader of the Chinese Revolution and founder of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949. He ruled the country until 1976, the year of his death. Its authoritarian aspect of communism was called Maoism.

The image was shared by Milei on her X account (formerly Twitter). Massa’s opponents say his government could move ever closer to Beijing and increase Argentina’s dependence on outside sources, even though the country already relies on Chinese money to meet its foreign obligations.

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