The Israeli army is still deployed at Al Shifa Hospital

Gallant, “Taking Gaza City to the West, Now a New Phase of Operations”

The Israeli army has completed the “capture and evacuation of the western part of Gaza City.” Defense Minister Yaov Gallant said the army’s land operation was “moving to the next phase.” At Shifa Hospital, Gallant, who was visiting an army command, confirmed that “significant evidence” had been found but gave no further details. “The operation continues,” he added, “and is carried out in a precise, selective but very decisive manner.”

Red Crescent, “Al-Ahil Hospital in Gaza Under Siege”

Al-Ahil Hospital in the Gaza Strip is currently under siege by Israeli tanks, the Palestinian Red Crescent reported in a statement on Facebook. The organization has reported that its teams are unable to reach and treat the wounded.

IDF, “clear information about Shifa, hostages and tunnel network”

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it had “clear information” pointing to a connection between Hamas activities in Shifa and the hostages, as well as “new evidence” revealing a network of Islamic faction tunnels under the hospital complex. In one of the PCs – he further added – a picture of the soldier Ori Megidish, which was later published, was found, taken before his capture. The army added that soldiers were working to uncover “the underground network.”

“All telecommunications services interrupted in Gaza”

All telecommunications services in the Gaza Strip have been suspended due to the exhaustion of all energy sources supporting the network: the main telecommunications companies in Gaza, Paltel and Jawwal, said this in a statement, international media reported.

Israel, Hamas rockets hidden under baby’s bed in Gaza

Hamas did not hesitate to hide rockets even under the bed of a Palestinian girl in Beit Hanun, northern Gaza. This was stated by the Israeli military spokesman, who said that in an apartment inspected by soldiers today, behind a door marked “Baby Girl,” there was a child’s bed under which Hamas weapons were hidden. The spokesman also reported a recording of a telephone conversation between two Islamic Jihad members in which they claimed to have moved weapons using a stroller.

Witness tells BBC: “Israeli soldiers shoot in Shifa”

An eyewitness, journalist Khader, who is staying in Al-Shifa, told the BBC that Israeli soldiers opened fire inside the building. “There are soldiers everywhere and shooting in all directions,” the man said, adding that soldiers had destroyed the southern part of the building wall and dozens of cars. The BBC makes it clear that it is unable to independently verify this.

The Israeli army is still deployed at Shifa Hospital

Israeli soldiers are still deployed in the Shifa hospital complex, conducting “concentrated” operations in the various buildings and on each floor. There are still patients and staff at the hospital, but the Army has said it is working “with discretion, patience and thoroughness.” “The awareness – they report – is that there are many other terrorist infrastructures in the area of ​​the complex that are well hidden.” So far there are “weapons and intelligence material, including information related to the Hamas attacks on October 7th “has been found. And computers with pictures and videos of the hostages.

Hamas: “Israeli attack destroys medical units in Shifa”

Hamas’ health ministry said Israel “destroyed” some medical units in a raid on al-Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip.

Ministry of Health ANP, Shifa lacks water and food for the sick

According to the Palestinian Authority (PNA) Ministry of Health, 26 hospitals in Gaza have been closed and another nine are only partially operational. Haaretz reports it. The ministry raises the alarm about Al Shifa, where the Israeli army operation is still ongoing: “In the hospital there is no water or food for patients or staff.” According to the ministry, the number of Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip as of yesterday was 11,470, of which 4,407 were Children. The number of injured is estimated at 29,000.

Borrell: “Israel must not allow itself to be consumed by anger”

EU High Representative Josep Borrell called for the “immediate and unconditional release” of the hostages held by Hamas, but also urged Israel not to be “consumed by anger” in the fight against Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. “I demand their immediate and unconditional release,” Borrell said during a visit to the Israeli kibbutz of Beeri, which was hit by Hamas in the Oct. 7 attacks. “I understand your fears and your pain… I understand your anger. But I ask you not to let your anger consume you.”

IDF spokesman, photos and videos of hostages found in PCs in Shifa

IDF military spokesman Jonathan Conricus said “photos and videos” of the hostages were found on laptops found at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. This was reported by the British broadcaster BBC, which was able to enter the hospital together with Conricus. “We have discovered,” the spokesman explained, according to the BBC, “many computers and other devices that could really shed light on the current situation, hopefully also with regard to the hostages.” However, the BBC clarified that they had the ones on the laptops could not see the included images.

Hamas, 200 doctors and nurses have been killed in Gaza since October 7th

At least 200 health workers have been killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7. This was stated by the authorities in the Palestinian enclave, as reported by Al Jazeera and reiterated by Tass. The death toll includes doctors, nurses and paramedics. A total of 25 hospitals and 52 medical centers were disabled by heavy Israeli shelling of the enclave, Hamas authorities said, adding that a total of 55 ambulances were hit by Israeli fire.

Red Cross, only 5 ambulances in northern Gaza, others destroyed

“Across the Gaza Strip there were 48 Red Crescent ambulances, we lost 23 to attacks and bombings, while another five are out of fuel: in the northern Gaza Strip, where the war is raging, only five remain, two of which have just been attacked. This is what Giovanna Bizzarro, Italian representative of the Red Cross in Palestine, currently working in the operations center that coordinates medical and humanitarian assistance from Ramallah, tells an ANSA correspondent. In recent days, Israel has accused Hamas militants of using ambulances to move within the Gaza Strip.

“We have moved the 5 ambulances we left behind to strategic points north of the Gaza Strip: after losing communication with the operations center in the area that has been dismantled, we continue to listen to the cries for help. “We continue to receive calls. The number of citizens trapped in the rubble and people stuck at home is large, but often our teams are unable to reach the people affected,” Giovanna Bizzarro tells ANSA correspondent on the ground .

Lapid: “Netanyahu is the weak link, the citizens have lost trust”

“The time has come: we must form a national reconstruction government.” The head of the Israeli opposition, Yair Lapid, reiterated this in a series of messages. For Lapid, “the weakest link is the government and above all the prime minister.” “Netanyahu – he stressed – has lost the trust of his citizens, the trust of the international community and, worst of all, the trust of the security system.”

Israel attacks Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon

The Israeli army attacked numerous Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, including the organization’s military positions. The military spokesman announced this, adding that “a terrorist operating in Lebanese territory” was hit not far from the area of ​​the town of Shlomi on the Israeli side.

Palestine UN Ambassador, Gaza Genocide, wake up

Palestine’s UN Ambassador Ibrahim Khraishi today called on countries to “wake up” and respond to stop the “Israeli genocide” in the Gaza Strip. The appeal comes at the same time as the UN human rights chief’s call for an international investigation into war crimes. “You should wake up in this room. This is a massacre, a genocide, and we see it on television. “It cannot go on,” the Palestinian ambassador said at a meeting of United Nations member states in Geneva.

Israel: “Gaza port captured, used by Hamas for attacks”

Israeli soldiers have taken control of the Hamas-used port in Gaza. This was announced by the military spokesman, after which troops of the 118th Armored Brigade and the elite unit “Flotilla 13” “discovered 10 tunnel entrances and destroyed 4 structures used for terrorism, killing 10 terrorists.” Hamas – he added – used the site “disguised as a civilian port, as a training area and to carry out terrorist attacks, using all civilian ships and the Gaza port police.”

UN calls for international investigation into war crimes

UN Human Rights Commissioner Volker Türk has denounced serious allegations of violations of international law in the war between Israel and Hamas and called for an international investigation. “Extremely serious allegations of multiple and profound violations of international humanitarian law, whoever committed them, require rigorous investigation and full accountability,” Volker Turk said in a briefing of U.N. member states on the situation, adding that “an international investigation”.

International law is not a “suicide pact”: this is what the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations claimed today in response to the call made today by the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Volker Turk for an international investigation into violations of international humanitarian law.

Ambush in the West Bank, dead and injured

Three armed Palestinians were shot dead after injuring six Israeli civilians in an armed ambush at the entrance to a tunnel in the Bethlehem area of ​​the West Bank. This was announced by police spokesman Eli Levy. According to media reports, the three were killed. The condition of one of the wounded Israelis is serious, Levy added. Police sent reinforcements to the area of ​​the attack, fearing the attack was not yet over.

According to an initial reconstruction by the public radio station Kan, three Palestinians who had traveled by car from Hebron (southern West Bank) arrived at a military checkpoint and opened fire at close range with an M-16 rifle and two pistols. The guards returned fire and killed her. The bomb squad then inspected the car, fearing there was a bomb inside. Four Israeli soldiers and security officers were injured after the firefight. One of them is in serious condition.

Israel, the home of Haniyeh, the Hamas leader in Gaza, was hit

Yesterday evening, Israeli planes hit the Gaza home of Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas politburo. The army said the house was “used as a terror infrastructure and frequently hosted meetings of Hamas leaders to direct terrorist acts against Israeli civilians and soldiers.” The army added that when soldiers captured the Shati refugee camp, they located and destroyed a Hamas naval arms depot “containing diving equipment, explosive devices and weapons.”

The troops – the spokesman continued, still referring to the operation in Shati, in the north of the Gaza Strip – “also engaged the terrorists and located weapons, including explosive belts, explosive barrels, grenade launchers, anti-tank missiles, communications equipment and intelligence documents.”

Gaza: Another UNRWA worker killed, total rises to 103

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has announced that another of its employees has been killed in an attack amid the conflict between Hamas and Israel. The victim was in the Gaza City area. Since hostilities began on October 7, 103 “UNRWA colleagues” have lost their lives in the Gaza Strip (data updated to November 14). read a statement.

Herzog: “Israel will not leave a gap in Gaza, it will maintain its presence”

Israeli President Isaac Herzog said Israel must not leave a “void” in post-war Gaza and that it must maintain a solid military force in the future to prevent Hamas from regaining a foothold in the Palestinian enclave. “If we withdraw, who will take command? We cannot leave a vacuum. We have to think about it,” he explained in an interview with the Financial Times, “what the mechanism will be, there are many ideas that are being proposed.” “But no one,” Herzog added, “is going to turn Gaza into a terrorist base again .”

Israel, 2 more soldiers killed in operation in Gaza Strip

The Israeli army has announced the deaths of two more soldiers killed in fighting in the Gaza Strip. The total number now stands at 50 since the ground operation began in the Palestinian enclave, according to the same source.

Cars crashed into barriers near the Israeli embassy in Tokyo

Japanese police arrested a man after a car accident that occurred around 11 a.m. local time (3 a.m. in Italy) near the Israeli embassy in Tokyo, local media reported. Video footage shows a small car crashing into a fence at an intersection about 100 meters from the diplomatic headquarters. A police officer was slightly injured in the incident. According to initial information, the man arrested is probably a 50-year-old member of a right-wing group.

Gaza: Palestinian media, victims in refugee camp raid

According to the Palestinian news agency Wafa, two residential buildings in Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza were attacked by Israeli forces this morning, resulting in deaths and injuries. Casualties were also recorded in the area of ​​the central gas station in Gaza, which houses dozens of displaced people.

Gaza: Hamas, 200 doctors and nurses killed since war began

At least 200 health workers have been killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7, Al Jazeera reports, citing authorities in the Palestinian enclave. According to the report, the fatalities also include doctors, nurses and paramedics. According to Hamas, a total of 25 hospitals, 52 hospice centers and 55 ambulances were disabled by Israeli shelling in the Gaza Strip.

Gaza: UN: “Even if the last mill is destroyed, there will be no more flour”

According to the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the last remaining mill in Gaza was also hit and destroyed. According to the latest update on the conflict released by OCHA, the As Salam Mill in Deir Al Balah was taken out of operation yesterday and its destruction means that locally produced flour will no longer be available in Gaza for the foreseeable future.

Gaza: Jordan, 7 of our doctors injured in Israeli attack

Seven staff at the Jordanian field hospital in northern Gaza were injured in an Israeli airstrike, the Foreign Ministry in Amman said.

Staff members were hit while providing aid to injured Palestinians who had arrived at the entrance to the hospital’s emergency room, Jordanian Minister Ayman Safadi said in an interview with CNN’s Isa Soares last night. “Our field hospital staff rushed to the emergency room when they saw several Palestinians carrying injured people. When they arrived, they were hit again and about seven of our medical staff were injured,” Safadi said, adding that “unfortunately, many other Palestinians were killed and injured.” CNN said it had reached out to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for comment asked about the allegation but received no response. Safadi said Jordan would demand an investigation into the incident. “It is incomprehensible that people who try to offer medical assistance to the injured are also affected,” he commented. In a statement from the Jordan’s Foreign Ministry said Amman “holds Israeli occupation forces fully responsible for endangering the lives of Jordanian medical teams.” In the interview, Safadi said that “Israel is legally obliged to ensure that hospitals and their surrounding areas are safe and that there are no military operations.” carried out that could endanger hospitals.”

Lebanon: Israeli and Hezbollah positions and structures are bombed

The Israeli army said today that it again attacked Hezbollah positions and facilities in Lebanon last night. According to a statement from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the targets hit included a weapons depot, military infrastructure, vantage points and firing positions, including the one used by the Islamist organization yesterday to fire an anti-tank missile towards the northern Israeli town of Shlomi.

Israel: Macron, maximum commitment from France for the release of hostages

“We are devoting all our efforts and all our strength to freeing the hostages held by Hamas and allowing their families to be reunited with their loved ones,” President Emmanuel Macron wrote on his behalf last night in French, English and Hebrew.

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