12500 euros for watching a game online a Scottish MPs

12,500 euros for watching a game online: a Scottish MP’s very high bill causes a scandal

From Le Figaro with AFP

Published 33 minutes ago, updated 3 minutes ago

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The Minister of Health initially assured that he had used his electronic tablet to work during his vacation in Morocco.

Scotland’s Health Secretary formally apologized to Parliament on Thursday November 16 for returning from holiday with a hefty phone bill of over €10,000, the result of a football match his sons were watching on the office iPad had.

The matter has become increasingly embarrassing for the pro-independence government since a bill for almost £11,000 (12,500 euros) was revealed that Michael Matheson had brought back at the expense of the Scottish taxpayer.

Vacation in Morocco

He initially claimed to have used his electronic tablet to work while on holiday in Morocco in late December and early January. But the opposition expected that more than 8,000 emails would have to be sent to determine the amounts owed. Michael Matheson, who has been asked to resign, told Parliament on Thursday that his teenage sons had watched a football game on the device.

“I and my family made mistakes,” he assured, indicating that he had finally returned the bill to the government. “I should have paid attention to the SIM card and investigated the incident more thoroughly.” “I acknowledge it, take full responsibility for it and apologize unreservedly,” he added.

Scottish Prime Minister Humza Yousaf, whose pro-independence SNP party has been weakened by a funding scandal, said “honest mistakes happen” and reiterated his confidence in his minister.