Teachers strike because Quebec exploits them

Teachers strike because Quebec exploits them

The looming strike by elementary and secondary school teachers and other government workers in Quebec reminds us of a truth that is not often spoken: productivity gains often come at the expense of increases in work intensity. An intensity that becomes exhausting for many.

Teachers in our schools are doing a lot more administrative work than ever before, simply because of the paperwork they have to complete. Computers have given teachers tasks that were once handled by secretaries. They have also improved communication between parents and teachers, which increases teachers’ workload.

Stupid politicians

Teachers have to deal with stupid policies decided by ideological officials. The best example of this type of policy is the diversity imposed by Quebec between strong, average and weak students.

Weak students slow others down and, more importantly, because they often have behavior problems, they make teaching other students extremely difficult. Returning to enriched, regular and easier classes would help teachers and students enormously. But in the Ministry of Education, the blind defense of the weak always takes precedence over the interests of the vast majority. And that’s a shame for the teachers.

Mass immigration

Children of mass immigration pose particular problems in several schools. Their knowledge of French, the traumas they have sometimes suffered or their family culture are elements that make the task of teachers much more difficult.

Will the Quebec government still increase teacher salaries? No way. Given the impact of inflation, he suggests reducing it instead.

Will the Quebec government ease the burden on teachers? No way.

The sad truth is that the Quebec government has long exploited most of its workers.

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain