Meloni Paola Cortellesis film is very courageous and stimulating I

Meloni: Paola Cortellesi’s film “is very courageous and stimulating, I would be happy to meet her”

Paola Cortellesi’s film “There’s Still Tomorrow”, a box office record in recent weeks, was also praised by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: it is a “very courageous and stimulating film”, the Prime Minister replied to a question from Alley Oop, Sole 24 Ore blog – . I congratulate Paola Cortellesi and would be happy to meet her at Palazzo Chigi.”

Meloni was responding to Cortellesi’s appeal to her and Democratic Party Secretary Elly Schlein on the issue of gender-based violence, asking them to “join forces on issues that concern them both, such as the prevention of femicide.” already at school.” .

“They are two women in power, capable, because we know that a woman has to work much harder than a man to get an important role,” the director and actress said in an interview with Vanity Fair. “Maybe we like one more than the other, but it’s unbelievable that they don’t push for a project, an agreement on issues that concern them both, such as the prevention of femicide at school.” I would would like to meet. We are considering an official invitation with the “Una Nella Centomila” foundation (which deals with the prevention and fight against violence against women).

Schlein had already responded to the appeal: “Cortellesi is right.” And I’m there. For some time now, I have been appealing to President Meloni that at least when it comes to combating gender-based violence, we can move beyond the harsh dialectic between majority and opposition and help the country make progress, not only in repressing it, but also in combating it Gender-specific violence on the topic of prevention.”