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Homage to Karl Tremblay on the Plains of Abraham: a great vigil that would never end – Le Journal de Québec

Like a vigil that won’t end, the several hundred people who gathered on the Plains of Abraham Thursday evening didn’t want to leave.

• Also read: Homage to Karl Tremblay: Thousands of fans at the foot of Mount Royal

A large crowd responded spontaneously to the Internet call for the departure of Karl Tremblay, singer of the Cowboys Fringants. Despite the cold, communion was perfect. Even children know the lyrics very well. And the youngest had special permission to say a few naughty words during Hector’s hut.

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Marcel Tremblay / QMI Agency

“I learned. We hear it a lot in the car. It’s sad,” said eight-year-old Olivier Marcotte.

On the grounds that usually host the Plains of Abraham’s main stage during the Quebec Summer Festival, the people of Quebec shared their grief, just as they shared their joy last July.

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Marcel Tremblay / QMI Agency

With family

Equipped with candles and Quebec flags, the audience present hummed most of the Cowboys Fringants songs in a sober and familiar atmosphere.

The death of Karl Tremblay still moves the visibly shaken citizens in the very place where the group gave a legendary performance in front of 90,000 people in July.

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Marcel Tremblay / QMI Agency

“It’s very simple, like their music. We were here this summer and it was a great moment. We want to absorb this energy again,” confided Marie-Josée Dumas.

“I was surprised by my reaction. My heart was heavy all day,” said Tony Lavoie.

With a handkerchief full of tears in their pockets, several people appeared to be holding on “with spit.”

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Marcel Tremblay / QMI Agency

During the great song “On My Shoulder,” dozens of them desperately needed support. Overall, this large vigil has visibly calmed this difficult moment.

Hearts full of pain

“It was super important for us to be here and show my children the importance of the Cowboys Fringants. You can really feel the atmosphere. There is something circulating,” added Marie-Pierre Cormier.

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Marcel Tremblay / QMI Agency

At the end of a long battle with cancer that he fought with his head held high on Quebec’s biggest stages, Karl Tremblay died on Wednesday at the age of 47.

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Marcel Tremblay / QMI Agency

The singer knew how to find the right words for every happy or painful moment. Slowly, after two hours of singing, people slowly left.

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Marcel Tremblay / QMI Agency

“Life clings and is reborn. When the feathers return. In a breath of fresh air. Who soothes aching hearts. »