Diaco asks for “souvenir applause” for Umberto Balsamo, but the singer songwriter lives: the reaction Adnkronos

“Are you asking him? But no, for heaven’s sake! It can happen that a presenter doesn’t remember whether an artist is alive or dead, that’s not the end of the world.” Umberto Balsamo talks amusedly with Adnkronos about Pierluigi Diaco’s “gaffe” during yesterday’s episode from “BellaMa” on Rai2, after Manuela Villa sang the famous song “Balla”, asked for loud applause in memory of Balsamo. After realizing the “oversight,” Diaco himself apologized to the singer-songwriter through Ra2’s official channels: “I apologize to him and the public and I will do it live when we go back on air on Monday. “

“But imagine, these things just amuse me,” Balsamo interrupts him and says: “This morning he called me, he was very sorry, poor thing. He was very nice and I told him he was a nice person. I also wrote it on Facebook”. In fact, a few hours ago a post appeared on the profile of the 81-year-old singer-songwriter from Catania that said: “This morning I received a call from Pierluigi Diaco, the journalist Moderator of ‘BellaMa.’

“These are things that can happen,” adds the singer-songwriter. Episodes that usually bring good luck and prolong the life of those who fall victim to them. But Balsamo, who is not superstitious, defends himself: “But no, I am content with having what God created for me.”