USA One dead after hospital shooting one suspect killed by

USA: One dead after hospital shooting, one suspect killed by police

From Le Figaro with AFP

Published yesterday at 11:20 p.m., now updated

Murders and shootings occur almost daily in the United States. MEGAN JELINGER / AFP

One person died and a suspect was killed immediately by police after shootings at the entrance to a public hospital in the US state of New Hampshire on Friday, November 17, local authorities said. The events took place in the afternoon in the lobby of the public hospital in Concord, the capital of New Hampshire in the northeastern United States, explained during a press conference on site. State Police Director Mark Hall said in the evening.

A police officer on duty outside the hospital intervened after a suspect opened fire at the entrance of that health facility, killing one person, the official said. He did not say anything about the identity of the victim, who died after being transported to another hospital in the city. The suspected shooter was shot by police and “deceased,” Mark Hall added without further details.

“No ongoing threat to the population”

Earlier in the day, the rural state’s police, security and emergency services announced on their website that this was the case. The same sources then assured that “the event was limited to the reception hall of the hospital,” that all patients were “safe and healthy,” and that “no threat to the population was underway.”

Killings and shootings occur almost daily in the United States and the worst in recent years occurred in the neighboring state of Maine at the end of October: a man armed with a semi-automatic rifle opened fire in a bowling alley in Lewiston and the surrounding area. Ten minutes later it came in a bar restaurant in this city of 36,000 resulted in a fatal accident that killed 18 people and injured 13. He then committed suicide.