Argentina election result could impact relations with Brazil Check

Argentina election: result could impact relations with Brazil Check

There is a relationship between countries that does not depend on their presidents, so there will be no harm. “There are many mechanisms that are already in place without the need for a decision or a presidential order. And nothing will change,” states the USP professor.

We can always observe an election discourse that is significantly different from the postelection discourse. It’s possible that if you win, [Milei] Maintain aggressive rhetoric. And undoubtedly this will weaken projects and progress, because relations between presidents are the most fundamental.
Pedro Feliú, from USP

What they said about Lula

I have a very loving relationship with President Lula and great respect for Fernando Haddad and Gabriel Galípolo [diretor de política monetária do Banco Central]through vice [Geraldo] Alckmin and many Brazilian leaders. I don’t want to involve them in the Argentine elections, although there is obviously mutual sympathy.
Sergio Massa to Folha, one day after the first round

Not only will I not do business with China, I will not do business with any communists. I am a defender of freedom, peace and democracy. The communists don’t fit in there, neither do the Chinese, nor Putin, nor Lula.
Javier Milei, weeks before the first round

Haddad has already criticized Milei

It’s natural for me to be (worried). A person whose flag is to break with Brazil, a relationship built over centuries, is worrying. This is natural. It would worry anyone… Because generally in international relations you don’t ideologize the relationship
Minister Fernando Haddad in an interview with Portal