1700301506 Carlos Ferro weighs in on Mexico Citys mixed bathroom controversy

Carlos Ferro weighs in on Mexico City’s mixed bathroom controversy

Carlos Ferro, one of the protagonists of the soap opera “Vencer la culpa”, advocates the use of mixed bathrooms.  (Photo by Adrian Monroy/Medios y Media/Getty Images)

Carlos Ferro, one of the protagonists of the soap opera “Vencer la culpa”, advocates the use of mixed bathrooms. (Photo by Adrián Monroy/Medios y Media/Getty Images) (Medios y Media via Getty Images)

Based on the controversy that arose over the use of men’s and women’s toilets after a trans woman was denied access to the women’s toilets at the Cineteca Nacional, Mexico City is currently focusing on the creation and implementation of mixed toilets in public and commercial spaces, to avoid discriminatory treatment. In this sense, actor Carlos Ferro advocates unisex toilets.

After playing Franco Beltrán in the soap opera Vencer la culpa, a project in which his character is infected with HIV, the actor made visible the prejudices that exist against people who carry the virus in two situations: “There is a lot of discrimination in this regard and there is a lot of misinformation. Misinformation is sometimes a person’s worst enemy.”

Said the above during a red carpet to reporters in attendance: He was asked how he felt about the controversy at the National Cinematheque at the time. and this has led to a polarization between those who demand respect for the trans community’s right to use toilets for identity reasons, those who completely reject this and those who support the idea of ​​unisex spaces for greater openness.

As far as the specific point of mixed bathing is concerned, the associated risks were also discussed. In addition to highlighting the hygiene problems, Many women have stated that they do not agree with this option because it increases the chances of being harassed and harmed.

For Ferro the solution is clear: “There will be three bathrooms: the men’s, the women’s and the mixed bathroom. Anyone who wants to get into mixed doubles enters mixed doubles and knows that nothing will happen. In fact, there are many bars and many clubs with mixed bathrooms. Everything is fine with you. Absolutely nothing should happen, it’s so normal.”

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He’s not the only celebrity to support the operation and use of unisex toilets. The singer María José has advocated for there to be mixed spaces for physiological needs. After what happened at the National Cinematheque, where she defined herself as a gender-friendly woman of minorities and an inclusive person, the interpreter of I am not a Lady argued that her position also refers to family bathrooms, that is, safe spaces for fathers and mothers , points out those who want to change their children’s diapers but do not have the appropriate toiletries for their gender.

Actress Azela Robinson is another entertainment figure advocating for the expansion of mixed-use bathrooms. In his opinion, the most important thing is to have respect and that there are opportunities, “you choose where you want to enter”; So that trans women don’t become victims of violence in men’s toilets, but women also don’t feel unsafe when they have to share the toilet with men.

Although it is true that the events at the Cineteca Nacional have given rise to a range of positions for and against unisex toilets in the city, A precedent for the debate occurred in October 2022, when writer JK Rowling, The author of Harry Potter criticized the neutral bathrooms of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

What happened in the National Cinematheque: Origin of a current debate

On September 12, 2023 Trans activist Laura Glover was banned from the Cineteca Nacional women’s restrooms by guards at the venue for security reasons. according to what they stated. Glover reported that a female officer entered the bathroom, kicked in the door where she was standing and forcibly removed her.

The videos of what happened immediately went viral. The reactions were quick. On the one hand, those who considered it an act of discrimination and transphobia. On the other hand, those who welcomed the intervention of the authorities through messages of intolerance.

The controversy didn’t stop there. Four days later, the symbolic takeover and protest led by Laura Glover continued at the National Cinematheque premises, culminating in the looting of the candy store. Later, on October 23rd, led the disruption registered at the second International Transfeminist Film Festival “Miradas Maleducadas”. in one of the rooms where the protesters destroyed the cinema screen.

From this episode, from September to the present, the topic continues to be discussed, mainly about the use of bathrooms and the creation of new mixed toilets with the aim of eliminating discrimination related to gender identity. However, The critics strongly express that there should be only two types of health to prevent other dangers: one for men and another for women.

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