Ana Hickmann How was the Record presenters week Splashes

Ana Hickmann: How was the Record presenter’s week? Splashes

Wednesday (15). The presenter resurfaced on social media, making videos about the impact of domestic violence allegations against her husband. “I know I’ve been gone for a long time, but everyone understands the reasons, right? I went away, I couldn’t watch the news, couldn’t watch anything at all, because there were a lot of truths, but also a lot of untruths. It hurts. Now that I’m back, I wanted to take this space and thank you for your support. To have courage and continue to overcome everything that lies ahead,” said Ana.

The presenter also explained that she has always been happy, hardworking and fighting and that she will not stop now: “It is very important to be able to count on all this support, solidarity and love. I’ve always done that.” “I was a happy, hardworking and fighting person, I won’t give that up now. In fact, things happen in our lives that make us stronger,” he said.

Thursday (16). On Saturday (11) the model reported her husband Alexandre Correa for domestic violence. However, she did not reveal whether the bruise in the left elbow area was a result of the attack.

That evening, she posted a video on her YouTube channel asking for time to talk about the assault case. “This time I’m not going to open my video and say ‘Hello guys, how are you?’ because everything isn’t okay! It’s anything but okay! But as I said on Monday when I went back to work at The End of the Program. These days, I’m still not ready to talk about certain things. Because there is still a lot of pain here.

Ana Hickmann How was the Record presenters week Splashes

Friday (17). Ana returned to social media after walking Hoje em Dia with a bruised arm. In a story posted this morning, she explained: “Good morning! Today is a new day, let us go with faith, concentration and a lot of strength.”